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5th Cambridge Assessment Conference: Challenges of assessment reform

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Assessment is under reform all over the world. The potential gains from reform may be high but the processes of change are complex and the consequences of getting it wrong can be severe.

The 5th Cambridge Assessment Conference will address the challenges of assessment reform. What ensures its success? What undermines it? What lessons can we learn from reforms past and present?

Our conference involved exceptional thinkers provoking cutting-edge debate. This year, Professor Paul Black, from King’s College London, will open the conference with a keynote presentation on the effective integration of pedagogy, learning and assessment, as the foundation for successful assessment reform. The conference will include a panel discussion chaired by Mike Baker, former BBC Education Editor, with Dr Mary Bousted from the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, Kathleen Tattersall from Ofqual, Professor Richard Daugherty from Cardiff University and Lord Sutherland of Houndwood. Our seminar speakers will be Professor Jo-Anne Baird, Professor Frank Ventura, Professor Peter Tymms and Dr Geoff Hayward, and the conference will close with a final keynote from Dr Philip Davies from Oxford Evidentia Limited.

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