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Cambridge Statistics Discussion Group (CSDG)

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The group is for anyone interested in any aspect of statistics. We have six meetings each session, starting in October and finishing the following May, held at venues around Cambridge. The meetings are open to all and organised by a committee of volunteers. If you are interested in joining the committee (e.g. as chair, treasurer or secretary) please contact the secretary.

Refreshments are provided usually from 7-15pm with the talks usually starting at 7-45pm. Our talks last for around an hour with time afterwards for discussion and, as is traditional, a trip to a nearby hostelry. There is also a supper immediately before each talk (all welcome) at the University Centre in the centre of Cambridge. (See the map at We usually meet in the downstairs bar at 5-45pm (although times may vary). Each talk attender is asked to contribute a small subscription during the session (1 pound in 2019-2020) to cover group expenses which entitles them to attendance at all six talks in each session (October to May).

If you would be interested in giving a talk, supplying a venue or in any other way please contact the secretary.

Speakers are entitled to a FREE pre-talk meal and drinks. Further details about the group are at

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Peter Watson. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

6 upcoming talks and 50 talks in the archive.

Cancer: misfortune or carelessness?

UserPeter Treasure, Peter Treasure Statistical Services Ltd.

HouseAstraZeneca, Academy House, Hills Road Cambridge CB2 8PA.

ClockWednesday 27 November 2024, 19:15-21:30

Time: The next frontier in causal machine learning

UserMihaela van der Schaar, Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine.

HouseStatistical Laboratory, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge.

ClockMonday 04 November 2024, 19:00-21:00

Statistics and Data Analytics in the Film Industry

UserAllègre L. Hadida, Cambridge Judge Business School & Magdalene College.

HouseMRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit.

ClockTuesday 10 October 2023, 19:15-21:30

Title to be confirmed

UserRod Jones, Department of Chemistry.

HouseMRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2 7EF.

ClockTuesday 06 October 2020, 19:15-21:30

Clueless Voting

UserImre Leader, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.

HouseMRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2 7EF.

ClockWednesday 09 October 2019, 19:15-21:30

Solving the Reproducibility Crisis

UserNicole Janz, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham.

HouseThe Lightfoot Room, Divinity School, St John’s College, St John’s Street, Cambridge CB2 1TP.

ClockMonday 25 February 2019, 19:15-21:30

Mapping Health: Why, How, Considering what ...

UserSylvia Richardson, MRC Biostatistics Unit @ University of Cambridge.

HouseMRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2 7EF.

ClockMonday 21 January 2019, 19:15-21:30

Why is cancer survival lower in England than in other high income countries?

UserSarah Walters & Sara Benitez Majano, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

HouseMRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, 15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge CB2 7EF.

ClockWednesday 10 October 2018, 19:15-21:30

Solving the Reproducibility Crisis

UserNicole Janz, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge.

HouseThe Music Room, Downing College, Regent Street, Cambridge CB2 1DQ.

ClockThursday 01 March 2018, 19:15-21:30

Probabilistic machine learning: foundations and frontiers

UserZoubin Ghahramani, Department of Engineering.

HouseCognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Chaucer Road, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 10 October 2017, 19:15-21:30

Driving the Robustness of Preclinical Research within the Pharmaceutical Industry

UserKatrina Gore, formerly of Pfizer Neusentis.

HouseMRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit.

ClockTuesday 11 October 2016, 19:15-21:30

Risk prediction for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases

UserLisa Pennells, Department of Public Health and Primary Care.

HouseAmgen Ltd, Cambridge Science Park.

ClockThursday 28 April 2016, 19:15-21:30

Measuring Ethnicity in the NHS

UserKatie Saunders, Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research.

HouseLloyd Room, Christ's College, Saint Andrews Street, Cambridge CB2 3BU.

ClockThursday 10 March 2016, 19:15-21:30

My Fisher: Memories of R.A. Fisher by his last student

UserAnthony Edwards, Gonville and Caius, University of Cambridge.

HouseStatistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

ClockMonday 08 February 2016, 19:15-21:30

Variation in measures and markers of timeliness of diagnosis in cancer

UserYoryos Lyratzopoulos, Cancer Epidemiology & Cancer Research-UK.

HouseDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambidge.

ClockMonday 16 November 2015, 19:15-21:30

Fundamental Fallacies of Finance

UserChris Rogers, Statistical Laboratory.

HouseMRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit.

ClockTuesday 13 October 2015, 19:15-21:30

The cost of saving nature: how much and is it a price worth paying

UserDonal McCarthy, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

HouseAmgen Limited, Cambridge Science Park.

ClockThursday 07 May 2015, 19:15-21:30

Blyth abandoned: sound science or flawed policy?

UserRichard Steward, Blyth Estuary Group.

HouseInstitute of Public Health, University of Cambridge.

ClockThursday 26 March 2015, 19:15-21:30

Statistics and Examinations

UserTom Bramley, Cambridge Assessment.

HouseDepartment of Plant Sciences, Downing Site, University of Cambridge.

ClockThursday 05 March 2015, 19:15-21:30

On reading Bernoulli’s Ars conjectandi 1713

UserAnthony Edwards, Gonville and Caius.

HouseStatistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

ClockMonday 02 February 2015, 19:15-21:30

Reflections on a career as a professional statistician and the increasing value of the role of professional bodies

UserTrevor Lewis, PhD, CStat, CSci, PStat, Director, TLwise Consulting Limited and RSS Theme Director for Professional Affairs.

HouseDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambidge.

ClockMonday 17 November 2014, 19:15-21:30

Adaptive dose-finding designs to identify multiple doses that achieve multiple response targets

Please note change to original date

UserAdrian Mander, MRC Biostatistics Unit Hub for Trials Methodology Research.

HouseMRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit.

ClockTuesday 21 October 2014, 19:15-21:30

Counting the Emperor

Please note further change of date to those originally listed

UserPeter Fretwell, British Antarctic Survey.

HouseAmgen Limited, Cambridge Science Park.

ClockThursday 01 May 2014, 19:15-21:30

Working with Epidemiologists

Please note change of date to that originally listed

UserNick Galwey, GlaxoSmithKline.

HouseInstitute of Public Health, Forvie Site, Addenbrookes Hospital.

ClockThursday 27 March 2014, 19:15-21:30

High-dimensional variable selection

UserRichard Samworth, Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseDepartment of Plant Sciences, Downing Site, Cambridge .

ClockThursday 20 February 2014, 19:15-21:30

The UK10K Cohorts Project: Rare variant analysis by whole genome sequencing in 3,621 samples

Please note change of date to that originally advertised

UserKlaudia Walter, Sanger Institute.

HouseStatistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

ClockMonday 27 January 2014, 19:15-21:30

Simulating environmental systems: the benefits of being discrete

UserMike Bithell, Department of Geography.

HouseMRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit.

ClockTuesday 15 October 2013, 19:15-21:30

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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