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Lattice field theory informal seminars

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Informal and irregularly scheduled talks related to lattice field theory, usually held in DAMTP , Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Wilberforce Road

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If you have a question about this list, please contact: Matthew Wingate; Christopher Thomas. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser.

0 upcoming talks and 23 talks in the archive.

Left hand cut and quark mass dependence of Tcc using lattice QCD

UserM. Padmanath, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.

HouseMR11 (B1.39), Pavilion B, CMS.

ClockWednesday 26 June 2024, 11:30-12:30

Modifying the distillation framework

UserNicolas Lang (University of Valencia).

HouseMR20 (EL.09), Pavilion E, CMS.

ClockWednesday 11 October 2023, 11:30-12:30

Doubly heavy tetraquark states in LQCD

UserAnthony Francis (CERN).

HouseVirtual Seminar .

ClockMonday 29 June 2020, 15:00-16:00

b->c semileptonic decays and phenomenology

UserAndrew Lytle (INFN Roma Tor Vergata).

HouseVirtual Seminar .

ClockMonday 22 June 2020, 15:00-16:00

Meson interactions at large Nc

UserFernando Romero López (Universidad de Valencia).

HousePotter Room (MR19, B1.19), Pavilion B, CMS.

ClockFriday 14 February 2020, 15:00-16:00

Charmed baryons and heavy tetraquarks

UserNilmani Mathur (TIFR, Mumbai).

HousePotter Room (MR19, B1.19), Pavilion B, CMS.

ClockMonday 09 July 2018, 14:00-15:00

Hadron resonances from QCD

UserJozef Dudek (Jefferson Lab and College of William & Mary).

HouseMR11 (B1.39), Pavilion B, CMS.

ClockMonday 06 November 2017, 14:00-15:00

From C to Proton Sea: Bjorken-x Dependence of the Parton Distribution Functions

UserHuey-Wen Lin (Michigan State University).

HouseMR11 (B1.39), Pavilion B, CMS.

ClockTuesday 21 March 2017, 10:00-11:00

Nucleon matrix elements from lattice QCD

UserDavid Richards (Jefferson Lab).

HouseMR4 (AL.08), Pavilion A, CMS.

ClockTuesday 15 March 2016, 14:15-15:15

Supersymmetric Gauge Theories on the Lattice

UserAnosh Joseph (DAMTP).

HouseMR21 (DL.07), Pavilion D, CMS.

ClockThursday 28 January 2016, 10:00-11:00

Toward Unitary Entanglement

UserWilliam James Porter (University of North Carolina).

HouseMR11 (B1.39), Pavilion B, CMS.

ClockFriday 22 January 2016, 14:15-15:15

Can Entanglement Entropy Be a Finite Quantity?

UserJiunn-Wei Chen (National Taiwan University).

HouseMR15 (GL.02), Pavilion G, CMS.

ClockWednesday 25 November 2015, 11:30-12:30

Transition form factors on the lattice

UserRaul Briceño (Jefferson Lab).

HouseMR11 (B1.39), Pavilion B, CMS.

ClockThursday 17 July 2014, 10:00-11:00

The Higgs mechanism from an extra dimension

UserGraham Moir (Wuppertal).

HouseMR4 (AL.08), Pavilion A, CMS.

ClockWednesday 16 July 2014, 14:00-15:00

Resonances in coupled-channel scattering from lattice QCD

UserDavid Wilson (Old Dominion University & Jefferson Lab).

HouseMR11 (B1.39), Pavilion B, CMS.

ClockTuesday 15 July 2014, 15:30-16:30

Hadron structure in lattice QCD

UserProfessor Constantia Alexandrou (University of Cyprus).

HouseMR13 (EL.05).

ClockMonday 06 May 2013, 14:15-15:15

Strings and k-strings in SU(N) gauge theories

UserDr Antonio Rago (Wuppertal Univ.).

HouseMR11 (Malcolm Room), Pavilion B, DAMTP, CMS.

ClockMonday 06 December 2010, 14:15-15:30

The fermion sign problem and large N orbifold equivalence

UserAleksey Cherman (DAMTP, University of Cambridge).

HouseMR11 (Malcolm Room), Pavilion B, DAMTP, CMS.

ClockFriday 19 November 2010, 14:15-15:15

Multiparticle Composites in Density-Imbalanced Quantum Fluids

UserEvgeny Burovskiy (Université Paris-Sud).

HouseMeeting Room 11 (Malcolm Room), Pavilion B, DAMTP, CMS.

ClockThursday 01 July 2010, 14:15-15:15

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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