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Russian Graduate Seminar Group

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Russgrads is a biweekly (term time only) seminar series run by students, for students. We have MPhil and PhD student speakers on a wide range of topics relating to Soviet, Russian and East European studies. We’re run out of MML ’s Slavonic Studies dept., but our speakers and attendees hail from depts. as diverse as PPSIS , History, Architecture, Art History, and German. Most of our speakers are from Cambridge, but we’re happy to welcome students from other institutions as well. Seminars are always accompanied by Russian snacks and kvas. Everyone welcome!

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0 upcoming talks and 9 talks in the archive.

The Cave Churches of Lakes Ohrid and Prespa (13th -16th cent.)

UserDr. Saska Bogevska (Université Paris IV - la Sorbonne).

HouseLecturers' Common Room, Floor 1, Raised Faculty Building (Sidgewick Site).

ClockTuesday 15 March 2011, 15:30-16:45

From Montage to Madness: An Introduction to Deleuze on Cinema

UserDaniel Koczy (University of Northumbria).

HouseGrad Seminar Rm, 3rd Fl. Raised Faculty Bldg., Sidgwick Site.

ClockTuesday 08 March 2011, 17:15-19:00

'Workers and Whatever': history, memory and oblivion in the Crimea

UserJudy Brown (Cambridge, Slavonic Studies).

HouseGrad Seminar Rm, 3rd Fl. Raised Faculty Bldg., Sidgwick Site.

ClockTuesday 22 February 2011, 17:15-19:00

Women, Spectacle and Politics : Embodying War Memories

UserKassia Aleksic (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris).

HouseLecturers' Common Room, Floor 1, Raised Faculty Building (Sidgewick Site).

ClockWednesday 27 October 2010, 17:15-19:00

An Evening in Kaliningrad/Königsberg

UserMorag McIvor & Ed Saunders (Cambridge).

HouseGrad Seminar Rm, 3rd Fl. Raised Faculty Bldg., Sidgwick Site.

ClockMonday 22 February 2010, 17:00-16:30

An Evening with the Byzantinists

UserOlga Grinchenko (Oxford) & Alexandra Vukovich (Cambridge).

HouseGrad Seminar Rm, 3rd Fl. Raised Faculty Bldg., Sidgwick Site.

ClockTuesday 16 February 2010, 17:15-18:30

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