University of Cambridge > > Russian Graduate Seminar Group

Russian Graduate Seminar Group

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Russgrads is a biweekly (term time only) seminar series run by students, for students. We have MPhil and PhD student speakers on a wide range of topics relating to Soviet, Russian and East European studies. We’re run out of MML ’s Slavonic Studies dept., but our speakers and attendees hail from depts. as diverse as PPSIS , History, Architecture, Art History, and German. Most of our speakers are from Cambridge, but we’re happy to welcome students from other institutions as well. Seminars are always accompanied by Russian snacks and kvas. Everyone welcome!

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Each talk has an organiser. Please contact them in the first instance if you have a query about a particular talk. Only contact one of the people below if you have a question about the list, such as whether your talk or series could be added.

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