University of Cambridge > > Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge

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0 upcoming talks and 72 talks in the archive.

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Gallium Nitride LEDs: How can they save energy, purify water, improve our health (and be made here in the UK)

This talk will be preceeded by a short presentation by Olivia Macleod on her research

UserProf. Sir Colin Humphreys, Director of Research, Dept. Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 15 June 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Saga of the Miles M-52 Britain’s Wartime Supersonic Project

Please note this lecture is different to that previously advertised. It will be preceeded by a short presentation by Vaibhav Bhardwaj on his research "Algae-bacteria symbiosis: Using molecular biology to improve algae cultivation for biofuels"

UserRod Kirkby, Retired Aerodynamics Research/Project Feasibility Engineer.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 08 June 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Finding Patterns in Genes and Proteins

The Lecture will be preceded by a brief presentation by Bursary Student Siang Koh, entitled “It takes two to tango: Combination therapy in cancer”

UserDr Sarah Teichmann, Sanger Institute/EMBL.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 01 June 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Evolution of Dragonfly Wings

The lecture will be preceded by a short presentation by Jan Mertens on new materials

UserDr Robin Wootton, University of Exeter.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 11 May 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

New Developments in Machine Intelligence

This talk will be preceeded by a short presentation from Laura Burzynski on her research into blood clotting proteins

UserProf. Chris Bishop, Microsoft Research, Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 27 April 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Some of my Accidents

UserProf. Stephen Richardson, Chemical Engineering, Imperial College.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 16 February 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Ripping up the Rule Book in Formula One

UserProf. Tony Purnell, Systems Design, Royal Academy of Engineering.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 02 February 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Innovation in Practise

UserProf. Andy Hopper, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 19 January 2015, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Living Time Machine: Non-verbal intelligence

UserProf. Nicky Clayton FRS, Dept of Psychology, University of Cambridge and Clive Wilkins.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 17 November 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Human Metabolic Disease: Lessons from the extremes.

UserProf. Sir Stephen O'Rahilly, Clinical Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 03 November 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Noise in audio and electronics

UserDr Chris Hicks, Engineering Director of CEDAR Audio, Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 16 June 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Should We Engineer The Climate? The SPICE Project

The listed speaker is not available; Dr Hunt has very kindly agreed to deliver this lecture in his place

UserDr Hugh Hunt, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 02 June 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

New Book Evening

In association with the Cambridge Science Festival

UserProfs. Spiegelhalter, Ahmed and Longair.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 17 March 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Why aircraft may soon grow bumps on their wings

UserProfessor Holger Babinsky, Professor of Aerodynamics, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 03 March 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Can Research Prevent Crime?

UserProfessor Lawrence Sherman, Director, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 03 February 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Validation of EEG-neurofeedback for optimising performance

UserProfessor John Gruzelier, Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 20 January 2014, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Notes on Notes: The musicology of performance

The CSAR AGM will precede this lecture at 19:15

UserProfessor John Rink, Professor of Musical Performance Studies, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 18 November 2013, 19:15-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Key Drivers in the World Economy: Why we should be positive

The ‘Festival of Ideas’ Lecture

UserDr Gerard Lyons, Economic Adviser to the Mayor of London.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 28 October 2013, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR Book Evening

UserDr Paula Gomes, Dr Richard Preece, Dr Tim Sparks, Charles Cotton.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 04 March 2013, 19:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Graphene Future Emerging Technology

UserProfessor Andrea C. Ferrari, Professor of Nanotechnology, Department of Engineering.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 18 February 2013, 19:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Keeping the Lights on in 2050: how can we do it and how much will it cost?

UserProfessor David MacKay, Chief Scientific Advisor, Department of Energy and Climate Change.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 21 January 2013, 19:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Lost Soldiers of Fromelles

UserProfessor Margaret Cox, Emeritus Professor, Department of Forensic Anthropology, Cranfield University and Founder of the International Centre for Forensic Excellence.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 26 November 2012, 19:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Are We Alone?

UserDr. Robin Catchpole, Emeritus Researcher, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 12 November 2012, 19:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

CSAR Green Energy Debate

UserProfessor Keith Tovey,Professor Andy Woods,Lucy Fielding,Megan Davies Sykes,Hugh Parnell,Robin Nicholson.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 29 October 2012, 19:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Impacts of a Disappearing Arctic Sea Cover

UserProfessor Peter Wadhams, Professor of Ocean Physics and Head of the Polar Oceans Physics Group,Dept. Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 15 October 2012, 19:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Bacteria as Active Colloids

UserProfessor Wilson Poon, Professor of Condensed Matter Physics SUPA and School of Physics & Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 28 May 2012, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

What are the Chances? Living with Risk and Uncertainty

UserProfessor David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 14 May 2012, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Rethinking Research Objectives for the 21st Century

UserProfessor Sir David King, Director, the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 30 April 2012, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Genetic Screens in Embryonic Stem Cells

UserProfessor Allan Bradley, Director Emeritus, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 05 March 2012, 19:30-21:00

Stephen Roskill Memorial Lecture

Modernizing Multilateralism

The lecture is open to all, but please contact Julie Sanderson to reserve a place ( or 01223 336166) FULLY BOOKED

UserMr Robert B. Zoellick, President of the World Bank Group.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockWednesday 22 February 2012, 17:30-18:30

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

The Science of Well-Being and its Application to Policy

UserProfessor Felicia Huppert, Director of the Well-being Institute University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 20 February 2012, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Boosting your Brain:Cognitive Enhancement and Neuroethics

UserProfessor Barbara Sahakian, Department of Psychiatry, School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 06 February 2012, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Science and Non-science in Drug Policy

Held jointly with the Cambridge Philosophical Society

UserProfessor David Nutt, Edmund J Safra Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology and Director of the Neuropsychopharmacology Unit Division of Experimental Medicine.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 23 January 2012, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

RNA Silencing in Plant and Animal Biotechnology

UserProfessor Sir David Baulcombe, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 28 November 2011, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

How Thorium Could Save the Planet

UserProfessor Robert Cywinski, School of Applied Sciences, University of Huddersfield.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 14 November 2011, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Science and the Media

The lecture will be preceeded by the AGM of the society

UserVivienne Parry, OBE, Science writer and broadcaster.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 31 October 2011, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Impacts of a Disappearing Artic Sea Cover

UserProfessor Peter Wadhams, Professor of Ocean Physics and Head of the Polar Oceans Physics Group,Dept. Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockSaturday 15 October 2011, 19:00-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Doing Mathematics online, and in the open

UserProfessor Tim Gowers, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 09 May 2011, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

DNA Profiling of Horses

Please note this lecture is on Tuesday not Monday

UserSusan Gurney, University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 26 April 2011, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

High Temperature Superconductors

Venue back to normal

UserProfessor David A Cardwell, Professor of Superconducting Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 21 March 2011, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Human Contact Networks

UserDr Jon Crowcroft, Marconi Professor of Communications, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 29 November 2010, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Sustainable Energy in the UK

UserDr Bernie Bulkin, Commissioner for Energy & Transport, UK Sustainable Development Commission.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 15 November 2010, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Molecular Modelling of Anaesthetics

This lecture will be preceded by the society's AGM

UserDr Pak-Lee Chau, Bioinformatique Structurale, CNRS URA 2185, Institut Pasteur, Paris.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 01 November 2010, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Happy Danes

Please note that this lecture is on Tuesday not Monday

UserDr Luisa Corrado, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 25 May 2010, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Holographic Technologies

UserDr T D Wilkinson, Reader in Photonic Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 10 May 2010, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Brood Parasitism

UserDr Clair Spottiswoode, Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 26 April 2010, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Sustainable Building in the UK

UserDavid Adamson, Director of Smarter Construction in the Office of Government Commerce.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 01 March 2010, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Imaging Cancer

Please note this week the lecture is on Tuesday not Monday

UserDr Kevin Brindle, Cancer Research Institute/Dept. Biochemistry, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 16 February 2010, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Stem Cells: Overcoming the Embryo

Please Note this lecture is not on a Monday

UserProfessor Austin Smith, School of Biological Sciences, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockTuesday 02 February 2010, 19:30-21:00

Stephen Roskill Memorial Lecture

Cities in the Future

The lecture is open to all, but please contact Julie Sanderson to reserve a place ( or 01223 336166). FULLY BOOKED

UserMr Ken Livingstone.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 01 February 2010, 17:00-18:15

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Gravitational Lensing

UserDr Lindsay King, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 18 January 2010, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Robotic Surgery

UserProfessor David Neal, Professor of Surgical Oncology, Cancer Research UK.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 30 November 2009, 19:30-21:00

Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (CSAR)

Laser Photonics

Please note the return to our usual venue

UserDr Bill O'Neill, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

HouseWolfson Lecture Theatre, Churchill College, Storey's Way, Cambridge.

ClockMonday 16 November 2009, 19:30-21:00

Please see above for contact details for this list.


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