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Room 132, CRI

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0 upcoming talks and 24 talks in the archive.

CRI Reading Group on Cancer Systems Biology

Title to be confirmed

UserAna-Teresa Maia (Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute).

HouseRoom 132, CRI.

ClockMonday 13 December 2010, 15:00-16:30

CRI Reading Group on Cancer Systems Biology

A Global Protein Kinase and Phosphatase Interaction Network in Yeast

UserMauro A. Castro (CR-UK Cambridge Research Institute).

HouseRoom 132, CRI.

ClockMonday 22 November 2010, 15:00-16:30

CRI Reading Group on Cancer Systems Biology

"GREAT improves functional interpretation of cis-regulatory regions"

UserMichael Wilson (Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute).

HouseRoom 132, CRI.

ClockMonday 08 November 2010, 15:00-16:30

CRI Reading Group on Cancer Systems Biology

Increased entropy of signal transduction in the cancer metastasis phenotype

UserXin Wang (Cacner Research UK Cambridge Research Institute).

HouseRoom 132, CRI.

ClockMonday 11 October 2010, 15:30-16:30

CRI Reading Group on Cancer Systems Biology

A pathway-based classification of human breast cancer

UserYinyin Yuan ( Cambridge Research Institute).

HouseRoom 132, CRI.

ClockMonday 10 May 2010, 15:30-16:30

CRI Reading Group on Cancer Systems Biology

Image analysis for automatic cellularity scoring

UserHenrik Failmezger and Raza Ali.

HouseRoom 132, CRI.

ClockMonday 14 December 2009, 15:30-16:30

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