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If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 1 upcoming talk and 83 talks in the archive. Cambridge RNA Club - ONLINE
Cambridge RNA Club - ONLINE
Cambridge RNA Club - July session ON ZOOM
Artificial Intelligence Research Group Talks (Computer Laboratory) When Vision Transformers Meet Cooperative Perception
Artificial Intelligence Research Group Talks (Computer Laboratory) Global Explainability of GNNs via Logic Combination of Learned Conceptshttps://zoom.us/j/99166955895?pwd=SzI0M3pMVEkvNmw3Q0dqNDVRalZvdz09
Scaling limit of the heavy-tailed ballistic deposition model with p-sticking
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Combining local and extended operator algebras: 4d N = 2 vertex algebras and semi-topological descent
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Title to be confirmed
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars 3D gravity as an averaged large-c CFT
MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit Seminars Building a Culture of Research Integrity
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Gravitational Regge bounds (CANCELLED)
Integrable fluctuations in random growth
MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit Seminars Exploring the role of mitochondria in Parkinson’s disease
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars What is the iε for the S-matrix?
MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit Seminars Science Publishing and Publishing in Science
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Supersymmetry and trace formulas
Entropic Independence and Optimal Sampling from Combinatorial Distributions
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars On fixed points and phase transitions in five dimensions
Characteristic of a second class particle.
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars The Lattice-Continuum Correspondence for Abelian Chern-Simons Theories
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Fractons and D-branes
Geodesic stars in Brownian geometry
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Quantum Information Theory of the Gravitational Anomaly
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars The onset of quantum chaos in disordered systems
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Magnetic scattering: pairwise little group and pairwise helicity
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Cosmology from confinement
Closing The Gap Between Theory and Experiments in The Design of Biomolecular Feedback CircuitsZoom meeting link to be released
Combining two mechanisms to produce neural firing rate homeostasisZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/97625047934
Spiking Control SystemsZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/93178617889
Graphical Nonlinear System AnalysisZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/96507147724
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Decomposition: 2d theories with 1-form symmetries
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Defects and Anomalies in Quantum Field Theories
Vital Geographies - Department of Geography Resisting the Rule of Law in Nineteenth-Century Ceylonhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/82103353807?pwd=QTNTUGFFMWVjNjZuRFlsdE5RZVlJZz09 Meeting ID: 821 0335 3807 Passcode: 354795
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Symmetric Product Orbifolds & Holography
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars TBA
Vital Geographies - Department of Geography Imperial Slippages: Encountering and Knowing Ice in and beyond Colonial Indiahttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87871680387?pwd=VUtzZkwzZVR4TktXSTQxaWViVHh4UT09 Meeting ID: 878 7168 0387 Passcode: 362935
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars How Quantum Gravity Avoids Generalized Global Symmetries
Vital Geographies - Department of Geography Conviviality and companionship: tarrots and people in the African forests
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Global Anomalies on the Hilbert Space
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Gravity from Averaging CFTs
Vital Geographies - Department of Geography Winged Geographies: Birds in Space and Imagination
Distribution and regulation of ion channels in neurons: Quantitative studies of global protein transport and homeostatic synaptic scalingZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/99231423419
Generalized Nash equilibrium seeking under partial informationZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/96326600203
Infrastructural Geographies - Department of Geography Lethal Necessities: Precarity, Citizenship, and the Paradigm of Racial Violence (Subaltern & Decolonial Citizenships series)
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Anomalies in gravitational charge algebras of null boundaries and black hole entropy
The role of space in evolution: insights from microbial and viral expansionsZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/99083035008
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Wormholes and Islands in Cosmology
Infrastructural Geographies - Department of Geography Decolonial Kinship and Freedom through Indigenous Mobilities (Subaltern and Decolonial Citizenships series)
Information transfer from biological to analog microcircuitsZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/97349674751
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Bootstrapping the space of Effective Field Theories
Stabilization of Discrete-Time Switched Affine Systems and their Applications in Power ElectronicsZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/98109940596
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars The Supersymmetric Index and its Holographic Interpretation
Infrastructural Geographies - Department of Geography The Option of Non-Violence (part of Subaltern & Decolonial Citizenships series)
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Non-invertible symmetry and string tensions beyond N-ality
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars A CFT distance conjecture
Stability of Optimisation-based Control: Brief Review and New ResultsZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/93349961156
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Quantum Modular Forms as three-manifolds invariants
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Information Transfer with a Gravitating Bath
Data-driven control à la Finsler and YakubovichZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/92943573797
Identification and model reduction of complex network systemsZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/93541687585
Infrastructural Geographies - Department of Geography The new global apartheidFurther information: http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/29382
A canonical brain computation: from mechanism to purposeZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/99373703786
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Postponed - TBA
Infrastructural Geographies - Department of Geography Linking Urban Public Space and Migrant Integration in China: The Struggle for and the Magic of Time
A Digital Twin for Controlling Industrial ProcessesZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/98082715567
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Wilsonian RG in Fermionic Models
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Berry phase in quantum field theory
Electronics on the Brain
Self-Healing CodesZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/92275948382
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars A geometric viewpoint on supersymmetric AdS solutions, black holes and their dual SCFTs
Understanding and engineering biological networks using timelapse microfluidic microscopyZoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/93507110597
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Flips, dualities and symmetry enhancements
An Optimal Control Approach to Covid-19Zoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/97430090424
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Abelian gauge theories, spin-systems, anomalies and lattice
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Integrable Kondo line defect, 4D Chern Simons, and ODE/IM correspondence
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Charting the Landscape of 3d CFTs
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Covariant phase space with boundaries
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Koszul Duality in Field Theory & Holography
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars The Holomorphic Modular Bootstrap for 2d Conformal Field Theories
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Instantons in five-dimensional O(N) vector models
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Symmetry Breaking and Swampland Conjectures
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars Integrable Kondo problems and 4d CS theory
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsSimple Ideas that Change the World Cambridge University Biological Society (BioSoc) Environment on the Edge Lecture SeriesOther talksToward climate justice -- Should we rethink our narratives of Arctic glaciers and icebergs? Virtual Seminar: “Delayed-acceptance Sequential Monte Carlo” CANCELLED Transcriptional control of heart development and regeneration CANCELLED Data Management Cold Blood Market transparency through a common data platform: evidence from Nord Pool |