Talks on 2019/5/15
Wednesday 15 May 2019
- 09:00 - CCBI Annual Symposium 2019
- 09:00 - Control of Magnetoelastic Matter
- 09:00 - Control of Magnetoelastic Matter
- 10:20 - Liquid crystal metamaterials from nematic colloidal platelets
- 10:20 - Liquid crystal metamaterials from nematic colloidal platelets
- 10:30 - Sex differences and the neural correlates of repetitive behaviour
- 10:30 - Protein dynamics and molecular recognition
- 11:00 - Crostini - Architecture for running Linux VMs seamlessly and securely on Chrome OS
- 11:00 - Internal categories, generalised multicategories and operads
- 11:10 - Design of passive and active passive nematic defects
- 11:10 - Design of passive and active passive nematic defects
- 11:30 - Quantum Machine Learning in Chemical Space
- 12:00 - Beyond the 'Jungle': Exploring the ephemerality of encampment in Calais
- 12:30 - Talk 1. Using immersive reality to examine the U-shaped relationship between schema and memory performance Talk 2. Multivariate approaches to understanding the brain-behaviour relationships in cognitive ability
- 13:00 - Human-like Computing: The importance of explanation in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- 13:00 - Early modern history of data and epistemology of form
- 13:00 - From development to deep time: the macroevolutionary consequences of phenotypic integration in living and extinct tetrapods
- 13:15 - Dressed up like a Julius Caesar: Late Stuart coin design
- 13:15 - Occupational Structures in the Republic of Venice (1780–1790)
- 13:30 - Colloquium: Review of the 2019 NAS Decadal Survey on Materials Research
- 13:30 - Colloquium: Review of the 2019 NAS Decadal Survey on Materials Research
- 14:15 - Quotients of higher dimensional Cremona groups
- 14:15 - Testing Gravity with Gravitational Waves
- 15:00 - Why do we cry?
- 16:00 - Blowing up extremal Poincaré type manifolds
- 16:00 - Skin pharmacokinetics and anti-parasitic pharmacodynamics: towards the design of new treatments for cutaneous leishmaniasis
- 16:00 - An introduction to the COSMOS application: An online social-media analytic tool for collecting, analysing and visualising Twitter data
- 16:00 - How Listeria sense the environment-to-host transition via PrfA
- 16:00 - Constraining Lithospheric Structure Across the United States
- 16:30 - Affinoid Duflo theorem for primitive ideals with trivial central character
- 17:00 - Discourses of caste over the long duree: re-framing Brahman identity in modern India
- 17:00 - Sense and Sensibility in Child Literature: Disinformation, Affect and the Literary Imagination
- 17:00 - Myths, bears, monsters and muddles – leading and learning with stories.
- 17:30 - How to write a business plan: A guide for postdocs
- 17:30 - How to write a business plan - a guide for postdocs
- 18:00 - Public Lecture - Christians, Climate and Our Culture
- 18:00 - Lee Seng Tee Lecture - The great economic transformation needed to address climate breakdown: Let ideas be international, goods homespun, but, above all, let finance be national.