Talks on 2017/3/8
Wednesday 08 March 2017
- 10:00 - Post-Publication Sharing: Publishing your Research Effectively (For PhD Students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- 11:00 - Research Process, Methodologies and Methods – An Overview
- 11:00 - Understanding SAR of the apelins and how it impacts patho-physiology
- 12:00 - ‘Smashing the Glass Ceiling: How to Make the Workplace More Inclusive for Women’
- 12:00 - Technology, Transparency and Policing
- 12:30 - New evidence for autobiographical memory-based intervention into depression
- 13:00 - 'Are the dons still a self-governing community of Scholars?'
- 13:00 - Regulatory evolution and the diversification of pigmentation patterns in Drosophila
- 13:00 - A biologically informed hylomorphism
- 13:00 - Re-imagining the Boko Haram sect as a purveyor of public services in northern Nigeria
- 13:15 - Painting and narrative in France, from Poussin to Gauguin
- 13:30 - Publishing in Top-Tier Journals in Management Research
- 14:00 - Part Ib Computer Science Group Project Presentations
- 14:00 - Practical Bayesian modelling: Populism, polls, and petitions.
- 14:00 - 5. Lp-cohomology
- 14:00 - Distorting Banach spaces
- 14:00 - CCHG: Imagining infrastructures workshop
- 14:15 - EFT-land for cosmology
- 14:15 - Multiplexer on the 0.7 anomaly in quantum point contacts (SP Workshop)
- 14:15 - A construction of Frobenius manifolds from stability conditions
- 16:00 - Annular Khovanov-Lee homology, Braids, and Cobordisms
- 16:00 - Breaking the activity barrier in exoplanet radial-velocity surveys through solar investigations at HARPS-N
- 16:00 - The vicious circle of Hoarding, Low investment, and the Great Recession
- 16:00 - Toward looking at the Earth's interior through unbiased tomographic glasses
- 16:00 - An overview on Approximate Bayesian Computation
- 16:30 - Fishermen, fossils and flints: varied approaches to targeting and investigating submerged Palaeolithic archaeology in the North Sea
- 17:00 - Gendered violence in South Asia: the politics of knowledge and practice
- 17:00 - Departmental Seminar: The Religionization of Israeli Society
- 17:00 - More Diversity = Better Science: International Women’s Day 2017
- 17:00 - Webinars for Professional Development in the Arts series 13: Challenges and Responsibilities in Popular Music Education: Pedagogies, Ethics and Authenticities
- 18:00 - 'Expansionary Fiscal Policy – Open Economy Issues’ - Jonathan Perraton
- 18:00 - IET Cambridge Younger Members' Workshop
- 18:00 - ELRIG Networking Event at AstraZeneca
- 18:00 - Fashion, Faith and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe
- 18:30 - Time, space and disorder in the expanding protein universe
- 19:00 - Scanning for a winner: MRI for horses
- 19:00 - Off the beaten track (Part 3)
- 19:00 - Google Translate
- 19:30 - Emulating Early Computers
- 20:00 - Is Gender Equality Possible Under Capitalism?
- 20:30 - Anthony Coulls (National Railway Museum)