Dr. Clarke Brunt
Name: | Dr. Clarke Brunt |
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E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Mon Mar 10 12:23:50 +0000 2025 |
Public lists managed by Dr. Clarke Brunt
Talks given by Dr. Clarke Brunt
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Dr. Clarke Brunt
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Dr. Clarke Brunt actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Christmas Members' Evening & Annual General Meeting
- A Year in Kew
- Autumn Succulent Plant Show
- Chile (part 1)
- Namibia: Etosha National Park & Lithops
- Flora & Fauna of New Zealand (part 1)
- Summer Cactus Show
- A Trip to Argentina
- Huntington Symposium 2018 (including a visit to Steven Hammer)
- Some Recent Adventues in Peru
- Christmas Members' Evening & AGM
- Title to be confirmed
- Czech Collections
- Autumn Succulent Plant Show
- Madagascar
- Cacti of the Caribbean
- Summer Cactus Show
- Members' Evening
- The cacti and other attractions of Colorado
- Texas 2019
- Members' Christmas Evening and Annual General Meeting
- Soqotra Research Project
- Succulents in Mediterranean Gardens
- Autumn Succulent Plant Show
- A personal choice - Cacti and Succulents
- Cacti of the Río Mantaro, Peru
- Summer Cactus Show
- Members' Evening
- Introduction to Exotic Gardening
- Plants and animals of the Western Cape (part 2)
- Annual General Meeting
- Members' Christmas Evening and AGM
- Sundry Succulents
- Autumn Succulent Plant Show
- Baja California
- Crassulas everywhere
- Patagonia
- Summer Cactus Show
- Melocactus and Discocactus
- Looking for plants in South Africa
- Mexico 2020
- Annual General Meeting
- Members' Open Forum
- Sundry Succulents
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Texas, and the hunt for the elusive Epithelantha
- Welcome back meeting - plant display and social evening
- POSTPONED (until August) Welcome back meeting - plant display and social evening
- Patagonia
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- POSTPONED - Annual General Meeting
- CANCELLED - Members' Open Forum
- CANCELLED - Sundry succulents
- CANCELLED - Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- CANCELLED - Further explorations in Peru
- CANCELLED - The hunt for the elusive Epithelantha
- CANCELLED - Patagonia
- CANCELLED - Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- CANCELLED - In my greenhouse today
- CANCELLED - Mexico 2016: Puebla, Oaxaca, and much more
- CANCELLED - Interesting Haworthias (with plants)
- Echinocereus
- Annual General Meeting
- The Oxford Expedition 2016 (South Africa)
- Just a little out of the ordinary
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Open Forum
- Plants and animals of the Western Cape
- What I saw last Winter
- Favourites of the High Desert
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Cacti and Succulents on Stamps
- Adventures in Mexico
- Mexico - Giants and Gems
- Annual General Meeting
- Ramble through my greenhouse and Automation
- Mesembs - Actual and Digital
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Zone 6 Convention
- South American Opuntioids
- Hunting for cacti in the caribbean
- In search of amethysts, black gold and yellow gold
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Succulents with Altitude
- Southern Africa; Northern Cape
- Small Opuntioideae
- Plants of the Richtersveld
- Annual General Meeting
- A rose by any other name
- Asclepiadaceae
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- 70th Anniversary Celebration
- Rambling in NE Mexico
- Mexico (in 3D)
- Colonise and populate
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Colorado
- Thelocactus
- Off the beaten track (Part 3)
- Annual General Meeting
- Members' slides (or digital presentations!)
- South Africa 2
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Peru, from coast to the Andes
- Mesembryanthemums
- What I saw last winter
- Cacti of Ecuador
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Echinocereus
- New introductions
- Mad dogs and Englishmen
- Annual General Meeting
- Photographing Plants
- Members' Slides
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- 'Fabulas' Crassulas
- Marvellous Mammillarias
- South Africa 2014
- Favourite Mesembs
- Zone 6 Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Five star American Habitats
- "in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible..."
- Gasterias in Habitat
- Cactus Identification
- Annual General Meeting
- Succulents in South Africa
- Parodia and Notocactus
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Soqotra - Island of Dragons
- Southern Namibia
- Copiapoa
- Highlights of Mexico
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Dragons at Milton Country Park... (Dragonflies)
- Propagation
- Lophophora
- A rampage around my greenhouse
- Annual General Meeting
- Members' talks/slides/presentations
- Venezuela - a BCSS digital presentation
- Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- Lithops and other mesembs.
- Utah
- Cacti in habitat
- Annual Conversazione
- Annual Conversazione
- Travels among Australasian alpines
- Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- Conophytum
- Branch members: interesting plants
- A shag in Madingley and a porpoise at Earith: the 'Fauna Cantabrigiensis' of the Rev Leonard Jenyns (1800-1893)
- Visit to the University Herbarium
- Cambridge’s newest local nature reserve
- Cacti in Chile, 2006
- Nature's glass: half-full or half-empty?
- Cambridgeshire's herpetofauna and its conservation
- Travels with research: baboons to earthquakes
- Diseases of ash and other trees round the world
- Annual General Meeting
- South Africa
- The National Ecosystem Assessment and its follow-on phase
- The National Ecosystem Assessment and its follow-on phase
- Giving wildlife an edge on the Middle Level waterways
- South Mexico
- Dung pats, flies and farmers
- Exotic mammals in the Antarctic region
- What is a fungal foray?
- Using maps and GPS
- Autumn Cactus and Succulent Show
- Conserving the small things that run the world
- Mexico Part 2
- Cool Customers
- South Africa again via Tucson, Part 1
- Annual Conversazione
- Annual Conversazione
- Haworthia Hunting - Success & Failure
- Summer Cactus and Succulent Show
- Succulent Geraniaceae updated
- Presidential Address, and Annual General Meeting
- East Anglian orchard biodiversity
- Miniatures
- Evening visit to the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences
- The Myxomycetes: A life of slime
- North Peru, and Ecuador
- Understanding landscapes: the challenge of East Anglia
- A living cemetery: the flora & fauna of Mill Road Cemetery
- Come and get me! How plants attract their pollinators.
- Keeping the skies alive with Swifts
- 50 years of conservation
- Annual General Meeting
- The Stapeliads (a digital presentation, part 2)
- Mammals and milk
- A botanist on Mull
- The star-crossed stone
- Euphorbias in South Africa
- Mapping the land use of Britain: 80 years of innovation
- Cacti in Chile and in cultivation
- Managing the River Cam: balancing the needs of river users and the environment
- Mini Autumn Show
- Portholme Meadow, Brampton: history and natural history intertwined
- Thelocactus
- Agaves
- Ten years of exploring Peru
- Annual Conversazione
- Annual Conversazione
- Madagascar - land of lemurs
- Summer Cactus and Succulent Show
- Gardens of the Western Cape
- South Mexico n.b. re-scheduled to 14th Dec 2011
- Weather, climate and ozone; an Antarctic perspective
- Stromatolites
- Exploration and exploitation of the Arctic: hunters and trappers, whalers and sealers
- CPERC, who we are, what we do and why it's important for local biodiversity
- Knersvlakte
- Studying the behaviour of Alpine Ibex
- Madagascan vegetation: an introduction to its richness
- The Hayley Wood story up to date
- Lake Victoria, the people and their fisheries
- Annual General Meeting
- Members' Slides
- Some of my favourite plants
- Mini Autumn Show
- Namibia 2007: Extreme plant-hunting
- The Stapeliads (a digital presentation)
- Bolivia
- What I saw last winter: Brazil, Cuba, and Mexico
- Summer Cactus and Succulent Show
- Nevada
- Small Opuntiads
- My Experiences with Mammillarias
- Annual General Meeting
- Make a book of it - Binding Journals
- Macaronesian memories: the succulents of the Canary Isles, Madeira, and Morocco
- Mini Autumn Show
- Madagascar Revisited
- Bolivia
- Meeting Marlon - travels in Brazil
- Cacti from the greenhouse
- Summer Show
- Central Mexico 2005 Part 1 - Puebla to Oaxaca
- Turbinicarpus and Allied Genera
- Succulent Compositae
- Annual General Meeting
- Test
- Haworthias in habitat
- 3 Men and a Condor (Part 1)
- Propagation II
- Stapeliads
- South American Habitats in Peril
- Chile
- Along the coast of Southern Peru
- Hunting the Hedgehog - the Mojave Way
- Texas 3
- Society slides - Stemless Mesembs
- Annual General Meeting
- Members' Slides
- Yuccas Revisited
- Eastern Cape
- Mexico with Anton Höfer
- Oaxaca
- Roots and Branches & 60th Anniversary Meeting
- Tony's Favourite Plants
- La Paz to Santiago
- Bryan Makin - Five decades of growing plants
- Arizona Byways