University of Cambridge > > Technology and Democracy Events > "The end of Safe Harbour: Implications of the Schrems Judgment"

"The end of Safe Harbour: Implications of the Schrems Judgment"

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  • UserNóra ní Loideain, Ross Anderson and John Naughton
  • ClockFriday 16 October 2015, 12:30-14:00
  • HouseB16 Law Faculty.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Professor John Naughton.


In a landmark judgment on October 7 the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the EU has ruled that the Safe Harbour framework governing the transfer of EU citizens’ personal data to the US does not comply with the requirements of EU Data Protection law in light of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and is therefore invalid under EU law.

The Safe Harbour framework stemmed from a decision of the European Commission in 2000 (2000/520/EC) that the US afforded an adequate level of protection of personal data transferred to the US from the EU. This decision was made long before the EU Charter became part of EU law and more than a decade prior to the Edward Snowden revelations.

The ECJ ’s judgment thus invalidates arrangements that for 15 years have allowed upwards of 4,000 Internet companies to transfer the personal data of European users to server farms in the US and elsewhere. It has very ride-ranging implications—not just for data-protection law, but also for the economics of Internet companies and for international relations.

This workshop will discuss some of those implications.

Chair David Runciman

Speakers Nóra ní Loideain (Law), Ross Anderson (Computer Lab), John Naughton (CRASSH)

This talk is part of the Technology and Democracy Events series.

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