University of Cambridge > > Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars > Where the bee flies: and why it matters

Where the bee flies: and why it matters

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Bees are continually making choices about where and when to forage for nectar and pollen, and on which plant species. Individual foraging bees make these decisions based on their own experience, and using information from other bees. The movement patterns of individual bees, and the consequent spatial and temporal distribution of foragers across the landscape, affect and define the movement of pollen between entomophilous plants. This can thus drive patterns of pollination and pollen flow.

In this talk, I will describe how bees explore and exploit the nectar and pollen landscape; using data from empirical studies, tracking individual bees, and also synthesising this information into a modelling framework. I will then address the implications for pollination of wild flowers and crops, and for the survival of bees in fragmented landscapes.

This talk is part of the Plant Sciences Departmental Seminars series.

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