Structure and function of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii pyrenoid: delivering CO2 and beyond
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Megan Cooper.
Spatial isolation of Rubisco is a crucial component of most carbon concentrating mechanisms, and the model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is no exception. Starting from the observation that Rubisco itself is involved in pyrenoid formation, I have investigated Rubisco protein-protein interactions in molecular transformants through analysis of isolated protein as well as whole cell extracts. Using a variety of proxies for efficiency of light use (as electron transport rates), I have also analysed the impact of the pyrenoid on photosynthetic physiology. Collectively these two parts of my project provide a greater understanding of pyrenoid structure and function, give further support to the notion of the pyrenoid as central to concentrating carbon while also implicating further functions for this enigmatic organelle.
This talk is part of the Plant Sciences Research Seminars series.
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