Unsupervised Learning from Users' Error Correction in Speech Dictation
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Oliver Stegle.
We propose an approach to adapting automatic speech recognition systems used
in dictation systems through unsupervised learning from users’ error
correction. Three steps are involved in the adaptation: 1) infer whether the
user is correcting a speech recognition error or simply editing the text, 2)
infer what the most possible cause of the error is, and 3) adapt the system
accordingly. To adapt the system effectively, we introduce an enhanced
two-pass pronunciation learning algorithm that utilizes the output from both
an n-gram phoneme recognizer and a Letter-to-Sound component. Our
experiments show that we can obtain greater than 10% relative word error
rate reduction using the approaches we proposed. Learning new words gives
the largest performance gain while adapting pronunciations and using a cache
language model also produce a small gain.
This talk is part of the Machine Learning Journal Club series.
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