University of Cambridge > > Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE) > GreenBRIDGE Society Presents: Energy Consumption in the UK Non-Domestic Building Stock

GreenBRIDGE Society Presents: Energy Consumption in the UK Non-Domestic Building Stock

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In the UK, the building stock accounts for almost 50% of the total annual energy consumption. If the UK is to meets its targets to reduce emissions by 80% in 2050 then significant reduction in energy use is needed.

The first step towards making reductions is understanding how, where and why energy is used, in both domestic and non-domestic settings. Research is underway in universities internationally to answer these questions, using a variety of different approaches. This seminar will discuss the different approaches to understanding energy consumption in the building stock.


  • Dr James Keirstead, Research Fellow, Dept. of Civil & Env. Eng., Imperial College London
  • Dr Vicky Cheng, Research Associate, Dept. of Architecture, University of Cambridge
  • Daniel Godoy-Shimizu, PhD Candidate, Dept. of Architecture, University of Cambridge
  • Peter Armitage, PhD Candidate, Dept. of Architecture, University of Cambridge

Speakers’ Titles:

Dr James Keirstead, “Modelling approaches to urban energy systems: optimisation, simulation, and more”

Dr Vicky Cheng, “Modelling energy demand and urban form: a simple approach”

Peter Armitage & Daniel Godoy-Shimizu, “Energy consumption in the UK non-domestic building stock”

This talk is part of the Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE) series.

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