University of Cambridge > > Rainbow Graphics Seminars > Robust, real-time pupil tracking (practice presentation)

Robust, real-time pupil tracking (practice presentation)

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ntombi Banda.

Robust, accurate, real-time pupil tracking is a key component for gaze-based systems, however existing techniques often rely on hardware invariants, such as calibrated sources or light, or on good images, where there are no eyelashes and the pupil is mostly circular. Without such assumptions, existing pupil trackers tend to have to choose between robustness/accuracy and speed.

I will talk about a pupil tracker I’ve developed over the past year which is more robust and accurate than existing real-time systems, works on cheap, uncalibrated hardware, handles partial occlusions such as eyelashes and eyelids, allows the pupil to be highly elliptical, and does all this at 60fps.

This talk is part of the Rainbow Graphics Seminars series.

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