Medicine in and around Dunhuang: preliminary assessment of ancient transmissions of medical knowledge along the Silk Road
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Karin Ekholm.
The Tibetan medical manuscripts from Dunhuang refer, either directly or indirectly, to knowledge deriving from other medical traditions. Their mentions of foreign locations, foreign names and the abundance of luxury goods all point to the importance of analysing this material in relation to the context of multi-cultural interactions along the silk roads at their
time. In order to further our understanding of these references, this paper will analyse their foreign mentions along with some contemporary non-Tibetan medical manuscripts from Dunhuang and Turfan in order to provide a context within which we can begin to paint a picture of medical knowledge in and around Dunhuang in the 9th and 10th centuries.
This talk is part of the History of Medicine Seminars series.
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