Peptide aptamers as precision tools for dissecting signaling pathways: application to Nerve Growth Factor signaling
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Luca Pellegrini.
While systems biology approaches analyzing the genome, proteome, interactome etc. are increasing our understanding of complex regulatory networks, identification of key proteins in signaling pathways that regulate cellular responses remains crucial for furthering our understanding of normal cellular processes and pathological perturbations thereof. Peptide aptamers, conceived to conceptually resemble antibodies, are small combinatorial proteins with a constant scaffold presenting a variable region. Their use for the identification and validation of novel targets and discovery of novel therapeutics in vitro, in cellular models, and in vivo in animal models for human disease, will be discussed. Unpublished results with peptide aptamers towards Ras will be presented regarding their implementation for the study of Nerve growth factor signaling, modeling of the structure of the variable loop and binding to RasV12.
This talk is part of the Research Seminars - Department of Biochemistry series.
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