University of Cambridge > > Bullard Laboratories Tea Time Talks > High Performance Computing (HPC): what is it? how can I use it?

High Performance Computing (HPC): what is it? how can I use it?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact David Al-Attar.

Computation is an important aspect of most scientific research these days. I will describe what is generally meant by “high performance” computing, and highlight different “workloads”, such as simulation, data processing and machine learning. I will also talk about locally available systems, national and international infrastructure. Finally, I will mention how to use the machines, whether that is with your own code, or using a well-known package, such as ASPECT or SPECFEM3D . I am also keen to hear what people are interested in doing, and happy to help them get started.

This talk is part of the Bullard Laboratories Tea Time Talks series.

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