University of Cambridge > > Arts and Creativities Research Group > THE POWER OF CATALYTIC CONVERSATIONS: An unexpected journey and response to the question 'How do we turn STEM into STEAM?

THE POWER OF CATALYTIC CONVERSATIONS: An unexpected journey and response to the question 'How do we turn STEM into STEAM?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Lucian Stephenson.

In 2018, Carole Bent was inspired to question the role and strategic value of the Arts and to actively seek support to help transform STEM into STEAM .

This talk will highlight a series of experiences that led to this and reactions received across multiple sectors, including from individuals working in Arts, Education, Aerospace, Defence, Business and Politics. Extensive experience of commissioning creativity at scale within large organisations, combined with responses to exhibitions in unconventional contexts led her to explore the subject of ‘STEM to STEAM ’ Since asking the question, Carole has been fascinated by what she has learnt.

In an increasingly robotised world, the need for human creativity, humanity and positive, multidisciplinary collaborations has rarely felt more important. Carole holds a strong belief in the value of creativity in its widest sense and seeks to remove boundaries or barriers. She will discuss why creativity is not the exclusive right of any one sector and its ability to weave across and add value to every area of life.

During her talk, Carole will share insights about the opportunities and challenges that she has experienced working in strategic senior creative roles within large corporate, non creatively led organisations. She will also highlight learnings gained through commissioning at scale and navigating parallel , sometimes competing cultures. Carole will also bring to life the value of pioneering new approaches ‘on the airfield.’

Creative Catalyst, Advisor and Art Partner Carole Bent has been described as ‘seeing ahead quicker than anyone else you know’ and someone who ‘based on her values, is prepared to take bold steps to achieve extraordinary results.’ Her career spans working client and consultancy side, independently and in strategic collaborations. Work has taken her from a B&Q tent to a Royal Tent in the desert, blending an entrepreneurial spirit in ‘the world out there’ with care, pragmatism and deep respect for relationships that create positive change.

Her interest in world affairs led to prior membership of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. She supports curiosity and creativity close to home and around the planet.

This talk is part of the Arts and Creativities Research Group series.

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