University of Cambridge > > Wolfson College Science Society > Finding the right path: How do multidomain proteins avoid misfolding, and how can women avoid the pitfalls in their scientific career paths?

Finding the right path: How do multidomain proteins avoid misfolding, and how can women avoid the pitfalls in their scientific career paths?

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Antonio M. M. Rodrigues.


Proteins have to fold to the correct structure if they are to function and avoid misfolding Most eukaryotic proteins contain more than one independently folding domain. Since the local concentration of domains is high, how do natural proteins avoid misfolding?

At least half of the students studying natural sciences in the early years at university are women, and yet few make it to the top. What can we do to avoid such a waste of talent? What can we do to ensure that women can enjoy what is the most satisfying of careers?

In my talk I will show that Nature, through evolution, has developed strategies that ensure that misfolding is rare. Similarly, I will show that we can develop both personal and institutional strategies to help women reach the top.

This talk is part of the Wolfson College Science Society series.

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