University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Endangered Languages and Cultures Group > On the impact of debasilectalization in language documentation: insights from the "missing Spanish creoles"

On the impact of debasilectalization in language documentation: insights from the "missing Spanish creoles"

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Oliver Mayeux.

Nearly two decades ago, McWhorter (2000) claimed that there are no originally Spanish-based creoles in the Atlantic space. In response to this hypothesis, many Afro-Hispanic varieties have been documented, yet only one seems to truly be the “missing Spanish creole”: Afro-Yungueño Spanish. In this talk, I will outline the debates around Spanish-based creoles and show how debasilectalization may have played a crucial role in their documentation and classification.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Endangered Languages and Cultures Group series.

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