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If you have a question about this list, please contact: . If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 1 upcoming talk and 131 talks in the archive. Department of Psychiatry & CPFT Thursday Lunchtime Seminar Series Adverse Childhood Experiences and Psychosocial Adaptation in Emerging adulthood: The FACE Project
Department of Psychiatry & CPFT Thursday Lunchtime Seminar Series The SORTS project: A co-produced training resource for secondary school staff to provide a supportive response to students who self-harm.
Department of Psychiatry & CPFT Thursday Lunchtime Seminar Series Predicting Risk of Serious Mental Disorders Within Adolescent Psychiatry Services – Results From Nationwide Register-Based Studies
Department of Psychiatry & CPFT Thursday Lunchtime Seminar Series Clozapine, mortality and other lies
Department of Psychiatry & CPFT Thursday Lunchtime Seminar Series Experimental medicine trials
Department of Psychiatry & CPFT Thursday Lunchtime Seminar Series IT’S ALL A Show. Fairground Showmen, identity, and mental health
Aegean Archaeology Group Seminar Series Hellenistic mouldmade bowls from Thessaly: a comprehensive study of old and new material
Uncovering the role of regulatory T cells in tissue regenerationThis webinar will take place online via Zoom. No registration required
Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session Four | gloknos Research Group
A biophysical hypothesis for the initiation of spontaneous ALSThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session Three | gloknos Research Group
My Life in Science Seminar: Determination in life, science and cellsHYBRID: Via Zoom & Kings Hedges Room
Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session Two | gloknos Research Group
Phosphorylation-mediated signalling – a new era?This webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required
Earth Day 2022 - How to save our planet: Developing win-win solutionsThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required
Engineering Department Geotechnical Research Seminars Dr Ulas Cilingir, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Ørsted
Training Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
Seminar Series: The classroom, the chamber, the concert hall: Situated musicking
Seminar series I Beyond cooking: global histories of food-making and gender across the early modern world
Seminar series I Beyond cooking: global histories of food-making and gender across the early modern world
POSTPONED Training Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
Global Epistemological Politics of Religion: Session One | gloknos Research Group
Seminar series I Beyond cooking: global histories of food-making and gender across the early modern world
Seminar Series: Embodied song: Then and now
IWD 2022 - Bias in Science: an inspirational talk on bias mitigationThis webinar will take place online via Zoom. No registration required
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Palaeoproteomic analyses of dog palaeofaeces reveal a preserved dietary and host digestive proteome
Telling membranes where to go - the macroautophagy machinery in phagocytosis and viral envelope acquisitionThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series 65,000 years of changing plant food and landscape use at Madjedbebe, Mirarr Country, northern Australia
Seminar Series: Where do we go when we play? Attention, embodiment, and ensemble performance
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre Lectures in Cancer Biology and Medicine Artificial Intelligence for identifying novel therapeutic targets, biomarkers and drug repositioning opportunities
Qualifying Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
Transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms of cell diversification - lessons from C. elegansThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required
Soil research and practice of ethnopedology | gloknos annual lecture series
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series POSTPONED: Pierced or perforated: Using 3D models to differentiate anthropogenic piercing from natural perforations in shells
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre Lectures in Cancer Biology and Medicine The challenges in therapeutic targeting of the RAF-MEK-ERK signalling pathway
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series A talk about some Very Good Dogs
Seminar Series: Music cognition and the language(s) of interdisciplinarity
Engineering Department Geotechnical Research Seminars Challenges from pipe installation to rehabilitation
Constructing 4D molecular roadmaps of cell fate decisionsThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Prehistory of the Eastern European Plain
Seminar series I Beyond cooking: global histories of food-making and gender across the early modern world
Colour within the lines – a personal perspective of navigating academia as a black womanThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Microbial lipids and their application to study ancient microbiomes and environments
Regulatory evolution by transcription-factor duplicationThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Identification of ancient silks using proteomics and immunoassays
A Tale of Two Phosphatases: The Control of Inflammation via Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation of TristetraprolinThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required
RNA structure, a hidden regulator in vivoThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Title to be confirmedThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Palaeoproteomic analyses of dog palaeofaeces reveal a preserved dietary and host digestive proteomeRegister for zoom link here: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0oce6uqT4tE90DfFgL4c46ogL7fVq9Xn9E
Engineering Department Geotechnical Research Seminars Landslide pipe-soil interaction: new insights using fiber optic sensing and change detection photogrammetry
Senses and Taste: 'Taste and Knowledge' | gloknos Research Group
My Life in Science Webinar: Gut feelingsThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Under the Surface: X-ray Imaging in the British MuseumRegister for zoom link here: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMld-mhpj0qEtzlqAZTCsh2t1hCvtPSYrkF
'Epistemologies of Soil' gloknos Symposium
Engineering Department Geotechnical Research Seminars Seismic behaviour of anchored steel sheet pile retaining walls in sand
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Large-Scale Migration into Britain During the Middle to Late Bronze AgeRegister for zoom link here: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsfuurrD4sHdU5CdQT7wGxOi9KJH5w_wV1
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Understanding human adaptation from modern and ancient DNA sequences5pm start. Register for zoom link here: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkf-2przsjG9JE-RQnUJgSUdiiz2AiodMd
Innovation Seminar Talk: Material Health/ Human Health/ Planet Health
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Practices, techniques and productions of a brass founder in a 15th century Brussels workshopRegister for zoom link here: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAuf-CspzotHtPJx89wyDFPL-7oX1cY0IxV
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Humans think through and with materials. So what?Register for zoom link here: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYsceyprTorH9J4NbrVQZsiascNDsx1rnYJ
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Specialized aquatic animal exploitation at Nahal Ein Gev II, Israel and the division of labor at the Epipaleolithic-Neolithic crossroadsRegister for zoom link here: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYude6sqz8pH9doiA7b3hfD8rraUO_qqwxb
Innovation Seminar Talk: The Entrepreneurial journey from deep science to a billion market productRegister for the event here http://bit.ly/3G05vb5
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series New Directions in Coastal and Underwater Geoarchaeology.Email organisers for zoom link: rkb34@cam.ac.uk
From Africa to Europe: A black immunologist's journey in the rough terrain of academiaThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Wolfson College Humanities Society Putin’s Use of Russian History
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience Synchrony and synaptic signaling in the cerebellar circuitThis talk is conducted on Zoom only
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Exploring the genetics of the extinct Darwin’s ground sloth (Mylodon darwinii) population from Cueva del Milodón, ChileEmail organisers for zoom link: ram88@cam.ac.uk
Heavy mice and lighter things: developing models of extracellular matrix in health and ageingThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Deep time proteins: an eggcellent resource for reconstructing past human-environment interactionsEmail organisers for zoom link: mae52@cam.ac.uk
Secret Life of Copper: From Kinases to CancerThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required
L-selectin/CD62L: not just a lymph node homing receptor on T-cellsThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Meet… Medicines Discovery CatapultThis is a free virtual seminar but registration is required.
Protein complexes subjected to tandem mass spectrometry reveal allosteric binding partnersThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Research Ecosystems, Cognitive Bias and IncentivesThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Ethical implications of ageing research
Chromatin and Gene Transcription in HypoxiaThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Tracing the copper trade in Central Africa during the 2nd millennium CE: a cross-disciplinary approachhttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tdeGqqD0oG9LTOUmtpDqjNplXbg-jUtK3
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series ‘The Uruk Phenomenon’: Ceramic Variation and Cultural Connections in the 4th Millennium BCE in the Zagros Foothillshttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduGqrjMrH9GGMdDCoq5KW41YIplLr1Ot
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series New evidence and model for the early medieval "Adventus Saxonum"https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAocuqtpj0sGdDbft7sFvwZ6ctdJzgWVWz-
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Archaeological Science and Repatriation: collaboration and connectionhttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwuduiupjspHNJLou_IbVbaCyGxAwAuCixy
mTOR signaling in growth and metabolismThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required *this webinar will not be recorded.
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience The social brain in adolescence
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Hominin behavioural dynamics in the insular rainforests of eastern Wallaceahttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwrcOiprzsqGNNqDLBbPSs7qp2Wq0HuZlua
Computational and Systems Biology CCBI Annual Symposium 2021
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience Functions of the primate amygdala in decision-making and social cognition
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Open Brainstorming Session: Reconstructing an Iron Age burial ritual. Kurgan 4, Early Saka-Scythian burial complex -Eleke Sazy, Kazakhstanhttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqd--trTssGdVniqax6zfKk7KwBHShd7fF
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Making and trading iron in the Swahili world: an archaeometallurgical study of iron production technologies in coastal Tanzaniahttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJctceuvrj0jGNUXmaepR0CFYq_aXUUR46e9
The Rosalind Franklin Institute: Factor of 10 technologiesThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Reprogramming and plasticity of epigenetic regulationThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience Adaptive brain computations for perceptual decisionsPlease email mkp38@cam.ac.uk for the zoom link for this talk (internal only)
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Understanding domestication in the genomic erahttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrc-2hqjkjGtYroR2imIYvJZ9Wb9ECRVG5
Roles of TCR signal strength and duration in driving T cell development, differentiation and functionThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Wolfson College Humanities Society The Fascist Welfare State: Cleavages, Rupture, and Mediation
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience The real-time formation of the hippocampal cognitive mapPlease email mkp38@cam.ac.uk for the zoom link for this talk (internal only)
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Dung and desert copper - Evaluating 3rd millennium BCE desert subsistence at the macro- and microscaleshttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEscuiprzkiEtGgkyFFkjUZy8ap3Eq0QWG1
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Recipes for Success: Paleoethnobotanical Evidence for Women’s Wealth through Root Processing on the Canadian Plateauhttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtdOGqpz4jG9Nr7b8gdXBwsHmeXnyy_8mZ
Wolfson College Humanities Society “A Mild Despotism, Tempered by Sugar”: the Rise of the Overseer State in Britain’s Post-Slavery Empire
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience Chandelier cells: shining a light on the emergence and plasticity of GABAergic synapsesPlease email mkp38@cam.ac.uk for the zoom link for this talk (internal only)
Addressing Addenbrooke’s Critical Challenges: Two Perspectives, One Goalregister here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUlcOygpjkiH9FZY2wpJF4DY7idz-WVuKTC%20
Wolfson College Humanities Society Dreams of Paradise
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience Visual learning and attention in mice: behavioural strategies and neural circuit changePlease email mkp38@cam.ac.uk for the zoom link for this talk (internal only)
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Pressing Concerns: Urartian Wine Production Equipmenthttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAlcOqvpjkrG9z4d1rumXxKk3sTV_gYCGAc
Wolfson College Humanities Society A Very British History: British-Bangladeshis
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience Tools for Analyzing and Repairing the BrainPlease email mkp38@cam.ac.uk for the zoom link for this talk (internal only)
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Iron Age (1100-300BC) in Oman and the United Arab Emirates: a discussion on the ceramics and columned hallshttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcocu2uqD8jGt3sP3CCcDZeCNvOvZ6Qnfi7
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience From visual representation of space to schemas in the primate hippocampusPlease email mkp38@cam.ac.uk for the zoom link for this talk (internal only)
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Seeing the woods for the trees: a palaeoecological investigation of native woodlands to inform present and future woodland conservation management strategies in Northern Scotlandhttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJckcOqgpjIrHdJmhUaSHCXLXYyCbyw6N5wo
Wolfson College Humanities Society Commemorating War Dead in Ancient Athens from Homer to Thucydides
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience Restless engrams: the origin of continually reconfiguring neural representationsPlease email mkp38@cam.ac.uk for the zoom link for this talk (internal only)
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series The Genomics of Megaliths: Hierarchy and Heterogeneity in Irish Neolithic Societyhttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArd-2vqDssGN3r3r9JzlCL9w3NoHlB21an
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis – Gut Feelings About the BrainPlease email mkp38@cam.ac.uk for the Zoom link for this talk.
Putting people before projects: Everything THAT nature communications paper got wrong about scientific success and mentorshipThis webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Medieval medicine and leprosy: new insights from dental calculus analysishttps://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqcO-upzktE91PIXfWQSFyh_QYmqGvI0Hq
Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience Two brains in action: Neural mechanisms in frontal and paietal cortex of monkeysHost: Wolfram Schultz. Please email mkp38@cam.ac.uk for the zoom link if you wish to attend this seminar.
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series A short-lived but memorable style: Lapita Pottery in Vanuatu (NOTE: Unusual time)https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIucOGqpzMsGdRESX34ueGDCwtWH8rrgwv2
Wolfson College Humanities Society Atoms for Peace (and War): the Italian Nuclear Programme During the Cold War
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series The mobility of Upper Palaeolithic prey in the Siberian Arctichttps://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAud-irpjIjEtBorycKWN69meITA9IZKBXO
The Climate crisis and its solutions - what role can scientists play?This webinar will be online via zoom. No registration required.
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Early food production and human-animal relations: Isotopic insights into Neolithic social reconfiguration in the Near Easthttps://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlceusqzooH905h9NRiWPbSPG8PFLv3a--
Success: what lies behind the mask?This webinar will be online via zoom. *This will be an interactive webinar*
Wolfson College Humanities Society Antisemitism in the anonymous Renaissance dialogue Viaje de Turquía
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Copper metallurgy at Kerma: Technological innovation in the Nile Valleyhttps://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErce2upjkqGtwWK_MOXgoBzaU-1rzVtxoD
Wolfson College Humanities Society The Second World War and the Prospect of Quit India in Bengal: Perceptions, Rumours and Revolutionary Parties
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Heritage Quest: An Archaeological Survey of the Veluwe based on Data Science and Citizen Sciencehttps://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUtdeqqrTIiH9a-LWlPoRjSNt8LfztjLuE5
Wolfson College Humanities Society Does the Rule of Law Matter in China? History, System and Context of Chinese Legal System
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series The Genetic History of the Plague: From the Stone Age to the 18th Centuryhttps://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkceipqjsqE91n7OeMQQGolXXy3lkmDX5w
Wolfson College Humanities Society The War Babies of Black GIs and White British Women
Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series Palaeoproteomics in Archaeology: Recent Applications and Future Directionshttps://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkd-msqD4vGNyztfdId5Czxcle1PhOY5Ab
Equality4Success Bitesize Seminar "HeLa100: the history and ethics of HeLa cells"If you would like to view previous recordings from this series, please visit our website.
Explorations of N- and O-linked Glycosylation on Extracellular and Intracellular Cell SurfacesThis seminar will be online via zoom - Please ensure that you mute your microphones when joining the presentation
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsJust on the Edge News TodayLatest Tanner LecturesOther talksA Pact With Reason Overview of the core ideas in cancer research CUH COVID-19 Clinical Update Introduction to Gaussian processes and Modulated Bayesian Optmisation Blood in Motion: The Physics of Blood Flow |