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SciComp@Cam: Scientific Computing in Cambridge

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Computers form an important part of modern scientific research and there is high flux of new technologies and approaches that continually fuel new developments in this field. There is a large, motivated community of workers in Cambridge who are doing exciting work with advanced computer hardware and software. However the work is organised in different fields and institutions, and interdisciplinary exchange is usually difficult. SciComp@Cam is being set up to provide an informal forum for exchange of practical techniques and information between students, faculty and interested professionals and companies outside the University. The aim of the group is to bring together people with an interest in the interdisciplinary development and application of computers in science, and to provide a venue for sharing hands-on approaches to use of computers and application of hardware and software tools in science.

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Each talk has an organiser. Please contact them in the first instance if you have a query about a particular talk. Only contact one of the people below if you have a question about the list, such as whether your talk or series could be added.

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