Rachel Fogg
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Name: | Rachel Fogg |
Affiliation: | University of Cambridge |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Mon Nov 20 11:47:52 +0000 2023 |
Public lists managed by Rachel Fogg
Talks given by Rachel Fogg
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Rachel Fogg
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Rachel Fogg actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Sound Control Synthesis with Logics and Data
- Exploiting Structure for Scalable Design and Verification of Complex Systems
- Cybergenetics: Theory and Implementation of genetic control systems
- Distributed Control, Estimation and Optimization in Multi-agent Systems
- Physically Intelligent Robots at the Milli/Microscale
- From rats to robot navigation and beyond
- Learning visual representations
- Computational Neuroscience for Technology: Event-based Vision Sensors and Information Processing
- Spectral Edge Image Fusion: Theory and Applications
- Gradient methods for huge-scale optimization problems
- Analyzing and Abstracting Scans of Man-made Environments
- Digitisation of modern and traditional dances using motion capture technology
- Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets - their key properties and a range of image-processing applications
- Innovation in Cambridge Engineering – how to foster it?
- Audio/Video R&D at Google
- Introduction to the physics and modelling of electro- and magnetoencephalography
- Engineering and Control of Biological circuits: from yeast to mammalian cells
- Probabilistic Amplitude and Frequency Demodulation
- Stroke Rehabilitation using Electrical Stimulation & Robotics: Open problems in control, identification, sensing and motor learning
- Stroke Rehabilitation using Electrical Stimulation & Robotics: Open problems in control, identification, sensing and motor learning
- Decentralized Optimal Control and Connections to the Human Motor System
- Modelling Network Data
- On the Equivalence of TCM Encoders
- Combinatorial Channel Signature Modulation for Wireless ad-hoc Networks
- Monte Carlo Inference for Alpha-Stable Processes
- Optimal proposal densities for particle filters
- Optimal proposal densities for particle filters
- Rao-Blackwellized Particle Smoothing for Conditionally Linear Gaussian Models (NOTICE CHANGED TIME!)
- Compressible distributions and Compressed Sensing
- The SUDOKU Coding Project
- The SUDOKU Coding Project
- Recursive parameter estimation procedures
- Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
- Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
- Data sketching for cardinality and entropy estimation
- Local Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
- Second- versus fourth-order dynamics in imaging
- Applications of Image Registration
- Applications of Image Registration
- Topics on joint source-channel coding and multiuser detection
- Hard decisions do not cause a 2dB power loss
- How Much Energy Is Required to Send One Bit Reliably over the Poisson Channel with Feedback?
- Sigma-Points, Cubatures and Rao-Blackwellization in Recursive Bayesian Estimation
- Coding problems involving values and their positions
- Title to be confirmed
- Title to be confirmed
- Extremes of Random Coding Error Exponents
- Physical Layer Network coding for Next Generation Wireless Broadband Networks
- Flexible Small Cell Green Networks: Breaking the Spectral Efficiency Barrier
- Sequential Monte Carlo methods for estimating large scale volatility matrices - CANCELLED (to be rearranged in Lent term)
- Bayesian Alignment of Unlabelled Marked Point Sets Using Random Fields
- Online temporally adaptive parameter estimation with applications to streaming data analysis.
- Joint Algorithm/Architecture Design of Communication Systems
- Improving ARMA-GARCH Forecasting
- Adaptive Monte Carlo on multivariate binary sampling spaces
- Adaptive Networks and Bio-Inspired Cognition
- Sensor Networks for the Sake of Security - NOW FRIDAY 23rd JULY
- Functional methods for the design of shiftable and steerable wavelet transforms
- Title to be confirmed
- Adaptive Sensing and Information
- Exploring ODE model uncertainty via diffusions, with application to physiological processes
- Local scoring rules
- Bayesian inference for exponential random graphs - POSTPONED DUE TO TRAVEL DIFFICULTIES
- Regional Climate Change Impact Assessments, Knowledge Action Networks, and the Cambridge/UCSD Global Water Initiative
- Itakura-Saito nonnegative factorizations of the power spectrogram for music signal decomposition
- Estimation of Noisy Diffusions
- Adaptive MCMC and Bayesian time-frequency analysis
- Bayesian inference for exponential random graphs
- Marginal and joint space representations within ABC, and the issue of bias
- Lookahead in Sequential Monte Carlo
- Teaching control using lego
- Massively Parallel Advanced Monte Carlo Methods on Many-Core Processors
- Recent results on Bayesian image recovery
- Recent Theoretical Developments in Optimal Control
- An Adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithm For Bayesian Mixture Analysis
- Optimal scaling of the random walk Metropolis
- Rare Event Simulation for Processes with Light Tailed Increments
- Rare Event Simulation for Processes with Light Tailed Increments
- Testing for Local Stationarity in Acoustic Signals: Parametric and Nonparametric Approaches
- Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation Systems with Quantized Soft-Out Demodulators
- Network Coding for the Multiple Access Channel
- Toward Sparse and Structured Projections for Compressed Sensing
- Sparse Approximation and Atomic Decomposition: Considering Atom Interactions in Evaluating and Building Signal Representations
- Routing and Network Coding on Lines, Stars, and Rings
- Factor Analysis with a Mixture of Gaussian Factors, with Application to Separation of the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Research Challenges in Cognitive Radio Networks
- Approximate Sparsity Recovery from Noisy Compressed Sensing
- Classification and Dimensionality Reduction using Convex Class Models
- Learning transformational invariants from natural movies
- Filter Design with Secrecy Constraints
- Visual Signal Processing Algorithms in Post Production
- Compressed sensing: some theory, algorithms and applications
- Markov Random Fields for Classification in High Dimensional Spaces with Application to fMRI Analysis
- Navigation and collision avoidance for aircraft and cars
- Model-based EM Source Separation and Localization in Reverberant Mixtures
- Model-based EM Source Separation and Localization in Reverberant Mixtures
- Markov Random Fields for Classification in High Dimensional Spaces with Application to fMRI Analysis
- Title to be confirmed
- Bayesians turn to experts for advice!
- Power allocation in delay-limited wireless channels
- From calcium imaging to spikes, using sequential Monte Carlo methods
- Performance and Implementation Aspects of Nonlinear Filtering
- Bayesian Inference for Diffusions using Data Augmentation MCMC