Ruairidh Macleod
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Name: | Ruairidh Macleod |
Affiliation: | University of Cambridge |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Fri Nov 29 11:52:41 +0000 2024 |
Public lists managed by Ruairidh Macleod
Talks given by Ruairidh Macleod
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Ruairidh Macleod
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Ruairidh Macleod actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Painting on glass: from recipes to magic lanterns, a contribution to conservation and the history of knowledge
- Palaeoenvironmental change and stability at Shanidar Cave: The evidence from the micromammals
- Regional Practices in an Interconnected World: Middle Islamic Ceramics (1000-1500CE) from the Erbil Plain
- Title to be confirmed
- A tale of multiple alloys: modelling metalurgical practices in the Eastern Highlands of Columbia (AD600-1600)
- Title to be confirmed
- 3D Scanning to Preserve Subterranean Heritage
- Rethinking the migration period at the order of the late Roman Empire: A multi-proxy biomolecular approach
- Pierced or perforated: Using 3D models to differentiate anthropogenic piercing from natural perforations in shells
- A Glimpse into the lives of 'Leprosy' and Hansens disease sufferers through time
- 65,355 Shades of Scrimshaw
- Strontium isotopes and bioarchaeology – Baselines and limitations
- Race, scientific racism and genetics
- Dietary Change in Human Evolution
- Four legs good: ancient animal genomics and the Near Eastern origins of cattle, sheep and goat.
- Palaeoproteomic analyses of dog palaeofaeces reveal a preserved dietary and host digestive proteome
- 65,000 years of changing plant food and landscape use at Madjedbebe, Mirarr Country, northern Australia
- POSTPONED: Pierced or perforated: Using 3D models to differentiate anthropogenic piercing from natural perforations in shells
- A talk about some Very Good Dogs
- Prehistory of the Eastern European Plain
- Microbial lipids and their application to study ancient microbiomes and environments
- Identification of ancient silks using proteomics and immunoassays
- Identification of ancient silks using proteomics and immunoassays
- Palaeoproteomic analyses of dog palaeofaeces reveal a preserved dietary and host digestive proteome
- Under the Surface: X-ray Imaging in the British Museum
- Large-Scale Migration into Britain During the Middle to Late Bronze Age
- Understanding human adaptation from modern and ancient DNA sequences
- Practices, techniques and productions of a brass founder in a 15th century Brussels workshop
- Humans think through and with materials. So what?
- Specialized aquatic animal exploitation at Nahal Ein Gev II, Israel and the division of labor at the Epipaleolithic-Neolithic crossroads
- New Directions in Coastal and Underwater Geoarchaeology.
- Exploring the genetics of the extinct Darwin’s ground sloth (Mylodon darwinii) population from Cueva del Milodón, Chile
- Deep time proteins: an eggcellent resource for reconstructing past human-environment interactions