Vicky Collins
Name: | Vicky Collins |
Affiliation: | MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Wed Jan 15 08:28:28 +0000 2025 |
Public lists managed by Vicky Collins
Talks given by Vicky Collins
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Vicky Collins
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Vicky Collins actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Who is this? Forming first impressions from voices
- A neural basis for distinguishing imagination and reality in the human brain
- Psychiatric disorders, dimensions, hierarchies, states or traits? How can we determine the right ontology for research and practice?
- Neuroplasticity in visual development, deprivation, and sight rescue
- Neural dynamics of an extended frontal lobe network in goal-subgoal problem solving
- Brain and cognitive impairments in people with a new diagnosis of epilepsy
- Cognitive influences on speech perception in noisy environments
- Cognitive-Motor Borderlands
- Analysis of Longitudinal Data
- Efficient coding of a complex goal-directed behaviour in mouse medial frontal cortex
- Special seminar: Topics on diversity, equality and inclusion in Neuroscience - Cryptocolonial psychology: Echoes of the past that shape cognitive research today
- Power analysis
- Reactivation in the human brain connects the past with the present
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Be still my churning stomach: The function and development of neurogastric interactions in the emotion of disgust
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Gradients of thalamocortical connectivity
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- Balancing predictive and reactive control in next generation bioelectronic systems: towards “circadian-aware” neuromodulation for neurological conditions
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Outsourcing cognition to the external environment: Cognitive offloading, value-based decision making, and metacognition
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- The remembering and forgetting of complex episodic events
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Integrating approaches to semantic memory and cognitive control
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- The role of reward in language learning
- The evolution of Alzheimer’s disease in the aging brain
- The problem with mental health awareness
- How does the human brain recognize faces?
- Sleep to forget unwanted memories
- Learning and memory in developmental amnesia
- Paranoia: My life understanding and treating extreme mistrust
- Early phase neuroplasticity induced by transcranial ultrasound stimulation
- Stimulating speech: auditory-motor interactions during perception and production
- Restoring communication with intracortical brain-computer interfaces
- Consolidation of memory and model-based planning
- Mind Hacking – How magicians exploit psychological biases and limitations
- Cognitive mechanisms of antidepressant drug action; from established treatments to novel developments
- Towards early identification and prevention of child mental health problems
- The finger of blame in depression and the brain
- Developmental brain plasticity: a few insights from stroke and epilepsy in children
- The entangled brain: Integration of emotion, motivation, and cognition
- The effort paradox: Why labour is loathed and loved
- Challenges and future directions in cochlear implants
- The linguistic foundations of verbal WM
- Disruptive behaviour disorders: The poor cousin of children and young people’s mental health research
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Cognitive-computational mechanisms in psychotherapy
- Power analysis
- Joint Hypermobility: insights from bench to bedside
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Neural mechanisms of domain-general inhibitory control
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- A mechanism for the flexibility of prefrontal cortex
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- Approaching Sensorimotor Learning from Another Angle: How Cognitive Strategies Shape Skill Acquisition
- Categorical Data Analysis
- How does the brain generate movement? A neural population view
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- When language typology meets dementia
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Importance of studying cognitive ageing in everyday life: Findings from diary studies of everyday memory failures
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Recovery from aphasia after stroke – from network to therapy
- Crossing the divide: Promoting confidence in contact in a diverse world
- Human medial temporal theta oscillations in learned fear and schizophrenia
- Improving mental health by training the suppression of unwanted thoughts
- Cognitive and neural mechanisms of intentional forgetting
- The iMAGine study: investigating motivational abnormalities guiding self-harm behaviour
- Our Realms of Existence: An exploration of the biology and psychology of life
- Neural mechanisms and individual differences in the removal of information from working memory
- Somatosensory participation in human motor learning
- “The role of the human insula in decision and response monitoring during working memory revealed by iEEG” and "Gender bias in academia: time for action”
- Hierarchical processing across dual stream architecture in the primate cortex
- Changes in the functional organisation of somatosensory cortex following surgical repair of the major nerves of the hand
- Neuronal computation underlying inferential reasoning in humans and mice
- Towards a recipe for physical reasoning in humans and machines
- Amygdala and PFC encode different associative structures and their connectivity helps predict subclinical variation in mental well-being
- Neuronal signals for multi-component choice options in orbitofrontal cortex
- Against brain reorganisation. Perspectives from individuals with congenital and acquired hand loss
- The neurobehavioural basis of compulsivity
- Neural and cognitive architectures for human metacognition
- Ultrasound for the brain: new tools for reading and writing in the neural circuits
- Neurocomputational basis of anxiety
- Multimodal imaging and stimulation approaches to study motor learning
- Tidying up working memory
- Blurring boundaries: Aging and memory for movies
- Exploring the role of the human cerebellum across functional domains
- Cortical (beta) dynamics of movement control
- Episodic Memory: Some stimulating findings
- Predicting language outcome and recovery after stroke (PLORAS)
- Learning representations of specifics and generalities over time
- Remembering the mammillary bodies: the importance of wider networks for memory
- Prosocial motivation, learning and intentions: age-related changes and neural mechanisms
- Brain dynamics and flexible behaviors
- Perceiving and representing voice identity: effects of taker variability and listener familiarity
- Neural dynamics of natural speech perception via natural language processing (nlp) models
- The neural correlates of ongoing conscious thought
- Neural dynamics of working memory
- How do signals from the body shape our actions (and our inactions)? Plus, a discussion on how we can green neuroscience
- New models of human hearing via machine learning
- Stimulating the brain with sound: low intensity ultrasound for neuromodulation
- Post-encoding persistence of encoding states strengthens individual memories, reorganizes those experiences based on shared features and biases the fate of new memories
- The neural correlates of ongoing conscious thought
- Prosocial motivation, learning and intentions: age-related changes and neural mechanisms
- Neural dynamics of working memory
- The function of spontaneous brain activity
- Next-generation atlases of the human brain – how relevant for cognitive research?
- A computational approach to understanding motivational symptoms in depression
- Carving the world into useful task representations
- How hippocampal memory shapes, and is shaped by, attention
- Reasoning: neural underpinnings, development, and plasticity
- The geometry of neural representations in artificial and biological neural networks
- Physiology and pathology of the higher brain function: insights from intracranial EEG recordings
- The role of content-free pointers in online visual memory
- Mesoscale fMRI and electrophysiology in human visual cortex
- Neuroscience informed treatments for anxiety and depression
- Imaginative reinforcement learning
- A data-driven approach to advancing cognitive neuroscience
- Pushing the boundaries of episodic memory: Representation and segmentation of naturalistic events by cortico-hippocampal networks
- Early adversity, brain development, and risk/resilience for mental health across development
- Working Memory 2.0
- Cognitive neuroscience in the era of Big Data: Lessons learned from the Adolescent Cognition Brain Development Study
- Cognitive control networks involved in different kinds of listening
- Category selectivity in the ventral visual pathway: Computational models and developmental origins
- How do our brains form maps of the world?
- Flexible redistribution in the language network
- Adolescent brain development as a window of social-affective opportunities
- An investigation into the neural basis of self- and other-referential thoughts
- Predictive oscillations in speech perception
- Exploiting neural nonlinearity and temporal smoothing to measure the brain’s response to electrical stimulation
- Signal Detection Theory: What it is and why you need it (Please bring a calculator)
- Translating basic science on autobiographical memory to improved clinical practice
- Infants’ learning & development: How can we influence them?
- Using a convergence of clinical and cognitive neuroscience methods: The case study of semantic cognition
- The neural basis of flexible semantic retrieval
- Communicating uncertainty around facts, numbers, and science
- Computational Psychiatry of Autism
- Consciousness
- How listeners track the changing statistics of rapidly unfolding auditory scenes – evidence from brain imaging and pupillometry
- Inheritance and adaptation within the family environment
- How to write good papers
- Attention, perception, and neural response: testing the limits
- Knowing what is real - mechanisms of reality discrimination
- How to make good scientific figures
- Non invasive deep brain stimulation via temporally interfering electric fields
- Dopamine, psychosis and the precision-weighting of prediction errors in the brain during learning
- Intelligence and the frontal lobes
- Combining brain mapping with machine-learning on individual differences
- The neural dynamics of audio-visual integration and recalibration
- Connecting behavioural and neural levels of analysis
- What accounts for the emergence and persistence of widespread false beliefs?
- Functional preferences of domain-general brain regions during executive function tasks
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- The Unit’s first 50 years: Some science, some history and some tales
- The Unit’s first 50 years: Some science, some history and some tales
- Power analysis
- How to give good talks
- Mechanisms of remembering: separation, replay, and integration in the human brain
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Fear the Fork! Why we should all care about our analytical garden of forking paths
- Functional MRI: physics and physiology
- Chemistry of the adaptive mind: on dopamine and mental work
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- When the mind lingers - how sensory history impacts working memory
- Emotion and memory
- Neurocognitive psychometrics of intelligence
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- A critique of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing
- Frontotemporal dementia – challenges, opportunities, progress
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Mechanisms and anatomy of selective attention in multi-target environments
- Mechanisms of forgetting
- The anatomo-functional role of the subthalamic nucleus in strategic decision making
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- Reinforcement learning in disease and disorder
- Consciousness
- A mathematical theory of semantic development in deep neural networks
- The science of fate, and a science communication Q&A
- Human cognitive neuroscience and how it is taught
- The perceptual prediction paradox
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- The emotional modulation of memory
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging in cognitive neuroscience
- Using narratives to understand human conscious experience
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- What's new in PsychoPy3?
- Sleep and vocabulary consolidation: Perspectives from typical and atypical development and sleep deprived teens
- Using evolutionary algorithms to study individual differences in facial emotion perception
- Computational neuropsychiatry: perception, prediction and learning
- Untangling the cognitive, behavioural and environmental ingredients for academic achievement
- Modeling the N400 brain potential as change in a probabilistic representation of meaning
- Visual nonlinearities
- The emergence of cognitive ability in childhood
- Talk 1. Awareness in sight: Self and other appraisals of disability in acquired brain injury Talk 2. The regulation of intrusive autobiographical memories
- Heart-brain interactions in emotion and memory
- Talk 1. Using immersive reality to examine the U-shaped relationship between schema and memory performance Talk 2. Multivariate approaches to understanding the brain-behaviour relationships in cognitive ability
- Getting the gist: memory confusability in young and older people
- Mechanisms of working memory training: not plasticity, but routines and fine-tuning
- Reinforcement learning in AI systems and in the brain
- Neural competition accounts for differences in recognising and learning spoken words and pseudoword
- Learning to read words: from novice to expert
- Seeking the protective shield in the brain: the role of inhibitory control in regulating unwanted memories and actions
- How to write a Fellowship proposal
- Far beyond the back of the brain
- The neural basis of time-extended semantic cognition: evidence from fMRI and TMS investigations
- Cognitive training works: what are the mechanisms and why are so many experimental psychologists opposed?
- An effect for bilingualism on ADHD trait levels in the general child population
- Using a convergence of clinical and cognitive neuroscience methods: The case study of semantic cognition
- The neural fingerprints of a missing hand: from phantoms to artificial limbs
- You literally cannot pay me to look at poop: The astounding lack of habituation to disgust as measured through oculomotor avoidance
- How to make good scientific figures
- Understanding mechanisms of anxiety: combining experimental psychology and genomics
- CANCELLED: Epigenetics, inheritance and adaption within the family environment
- Intelligence and the frontal lobes
- Ecological Language: A multimodal approach to language learning and processing
- The status of semantic memory in patients with left vs. right anterior temporal lobe resection
- How to write good papers
- Shattered lives: Understanding and treating post traumatic stress in children and adolescents
- Studies on the acquisition, persistence and reduction of fear and avoidance: a life-span perspective
- How does functional neuroimaging inform cognitive theory?
- The Eye’s Mind – perspectives on visual imagery
- Mindfulness training for mental health promotion
- Computational Models—who needs them?
- Castles built on sand: can we trust non-invasive brain stimulation techniques?
- Time course of memory updating in running span
- Signal Detection Theory: What it is and why you need it (Please bring a calculator)
- The Cambridge NeuralNET”: Investigating origins of brain and mental health
- Anterior cingulate cortex signals the need to control intrusive thoughts during motivated forgetting
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Brain mechanisms of flexible cognitive control
- Power analysis
- CANCELLED Epigenetics, inheritance and adaptation within the family environment
- Connecting behavioural and neural levels of analysis
- A Bayesian approach to internal models
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Fractionating the human frontoparietal cortex: Combining meta-analytic and real-time optimization approaches
- How to give good talks
- Dynamic network reconstruction of human decision making and learning via EEG-fMRI fusion
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Focused attention in the frontal and parietal cortex: Task episodes, variable binding and cognitive load
- Functional MRI: physics and physiology
- 'The architecture of the semantic network' and 'From pixels to semantics - machine learning as a key to understanding the dynamic computations along the human ventral stream'
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- Improving speech perception with cochlear implants by optimizing the electrode-to-neuron interface and by using machine learning to reduce background noise
- Emotion
- Mechanisms of object recognition in humans, primates and deep neuronal networks
- Mechanisms of forgetting
- Interference and memory capacity limitations
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Statistical methods for the study of heterogeneity in cognitive decline: applications to French and UK cohorts
- Human cognitive neuroscience and how it is taught
- Processing Multi-Constituent Units during Reading: Non-alphabetic languages, word segmentation, and serialism and parallelism in oculomotor control
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- What cognitive mechanisms underlie multi-target search organisation in children and adults?
- Consciousness
- Lifestyle factors and cognitive ageing: From observation to intervention
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- The framework behind the Kymata Atlas: Mapping early sensory processing in the human brain and nervous system
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging in cognitive neuroscience
- The cognitive, computational and neural bases of semantic representation and its disorders
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- From cognitive neuroscience to the clinic: Translational concerns for mental health research
- Differential responses to cognitive training: insights from a machine learning approach
- Concept learning as compression
- The dynamics of functional brain networks: Examining the role of noradrenaline
- The neural bases of declarative memory and primary using studies of brain damaged patients
- Why are patients with Parkinson’s disease and Dementia impulsive – and what can we do about it?
- The structure and function of visual working memory
- Re-thinking cognitive training research
- Why are we so bad at face recognition?
- Cortical and subcortical organisation of the multiple demand system
- Remembering complex events
- Understanding apathy: what happens when the Rev. Bayes plays Angry Birds
- Can you live to see a better day? Lifestyle engagement predicts healthy cognitive development in old age (a Cam-CAN study)
- What is sleep’s contribution to the language system?
- Personality Neuroscience: looking for the neurological roots of individual differences in behavioural traits
- Neurodevelopment disorders of genetic origin – what can we learn?
- All-resolutions inference for brain imaging
- Developmental cognitive neuroscience
- The persistence and transience of memory
- UK 7T travelling-head study: pilot results
- Connecting behavioural and neural levels of analysis
- CANCELLED: The cognitive neuroscience of antidepressant drug action
- Visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease - imbalances in top-down vs. bottom up information processing
- How to make good scientific figures
- Finding meaning in English writing
- MRI in large animals: a new imaging model
- Intelligence and the frontal lobes
- How language variation contributes to reading difficulties and “achievement gaps”
- How to write good papers
- Attentional episodes and cognitive control
- Value generalization during human avoidance learning
- How does functional neuroimaging inform cognitive theory?
- Imaging in an era of multi-scale neuroscience: challenges and opportunities
- Remapping the cognitive and neural profiles of children who struggle at school
- Computational Models—who needs them?
- Towards large-scale analyses of genes, brains and language
- Functional MRI across the lifespan: challenges and perspectives
- Signal Detection Theory: What it is and why you need it (Please bring a calculator)
- Role of primate amygdala neurons in economic decision-making
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Testing your memory: The many consequences of retrieval on long-term learning and retention
- Power analysis
- Functional MRI: physics and physiology
- The surprising subtleties of changing emotional memory
- Post-hoc tests, multiple comparisons, contrasts and handling interactions
- Learning and plasticity in adolescence
- How to give good talks
- Translational studies of entorhinal cortex and hippocampal function in Alzheimer’s disease
- Repeated Measures and Mixed Model ANOVA
- Neural prediction error distinguishes perception and misperception of speech
- Consciousness
- The brain isn't porridge
- High-risk strategies, suicidality and the meaning of p
- Emotion
- Stress, genes and memory: from basic research to clinical implications
- ANOVA of balanced multi-factorial designs: between subject designs, and single subject studies
- Stimulus effects dwarf task effects in visual regions
- Mechanisms of forgetting
- Suppressing unwanted visual and emotional content of memory: role in mental health
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Mental health risk and resilience after child adversity
- Visual cognition
- How memory guides value-based decisions
- The General Linear Model and complex designs including Analysis of Covariance
- Large scale network interactions in consciousness
- Human cognitive neuroscience and how it is taught
- Perspective taking during communication
- Simple and multiple linear regression
- Neural architectures for feature binding and retro-cue effects in visual working memory
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging in cognitive neuroscience
- Differentiation, compensation and cognitive reserve in ageing
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Knowledge is power: how prior knowledge aids memory for congruent and incongruent events
- Localist models are compatible with information measures, sparseness indices and complementary learning systems in the brain
- Building a sense of direction – from perception to cognition
- How does recent linguistic experience result in a retuning of lexical-semantic representations?
- The typical and atypical development of the human social brain
- Healthy neurocognitive aging with big data: A multivariate dive into Biobank (N=500,000)
- Neuroimaging of the emergence of cognition in infants and its clinical applications
- Developmental unilateral neglect/ Mechanisms of working memory updating
- A network analysis approach for characterising the spatiotemporal dynamics of semantic networks in the brain
- Multisensory integration in the cortical hierarchy
- Does entrained tACS modulate speech-specific BOLD responses? Evidence from combined tACS-fMRI
- Imaging and stimulating adaptive brain plasticity
- Working memory training and transcranial electrical stimulation
- CANCELLED: The problem of working memory: How does the brain keep information in mind?
- The Multiple Demand System and its subnetworks/ Exploring temporal dynamics of preparatory attention
- I think, therefore I am: A combined cognitive-learning approach to adolescent anxiety, aches and pains.
- Do changes in Subjective Probability Distributions reflect a Prediction Error driven learning process?
- Handedness and speech: Investigating behavioural characteristics of hemispheric asymmetry
- Social cognition in frontal lobe dysfunction
- Can deep, unsupervised models explain IT representations?/ Occluded object recognition in recurrent neural networks
- Connecting behavioural and neural levels of analysis
- Social brain development in adolescence
- New evidence for autobiographical memory-based intervention into depression
- Developmental cognitive neuroscience
- Can neurocognitive findings inform our understanding of disruptive behavior and what to do with it?
- Effect of prospective motion correction on fMRI data/ Task-positive activity in the task-negative default-mode network
- Intelligence and the frontal lobes
- We need to talk about social reward: Associations between psychopathic traits and social reward
- How to make good scientific figures
- Theory in the cognitive and brain sciences
- Confidence and adaptive decision making
- Do PANIC! Hearing Research at the CBU
- Signal Detection Theory: What it is and why you need it (Please bring a calculator)
- Theory in the cognitive and brain sciences
- Vision, decision and navigation in mouse parietal cortex
- Training working memory is learning to do something new
- Functional MRI: physics and physiology
- Functional neurological disorders, cognition and mild traumatic brain injury
- Functional neurological disorders, cognition and mild traumatic brain injury
- Unitization effects on memory
- How to write good papers
- Failing to expect the unexpected: The neural and behavioural consequences of degraded predictive coding
- Failing to expect the unexpected: The neural and behavioural consequences of degraded predictive coding