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Talks organised by
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Tracing the building blocks of habitable worlds from disks to planets
- The role of halo formation history and circumgalactic gas expulsion in the evolution of galaxies
- Collisionless losscone refilling: the end of the final parsec problem
- Using the Magellanic Clouds to understand the interaction of galaxies
- Cosmology with Gravitational Lens Time Delays
- Radiation mechanism of Fast Radio Bursts
- The landscape of galaxy cluster cosmology
- What's wrong with accretion discs?
- A new perspective on the Universe in the era of multi-messenger astronomy
- Getting close to the brightest black holes with NICER
- New Results from the Event Horizon Telescope
- Deconstructing stellar halos in the Local Group
- Heavy elements in red giant stars
- Heavy elements in red giant stars
- Proper-Motion Studies of Galactic Globular Clusters
- Transformative advances in post-main-sequence planetary system science
- Galactic Winds and the Circumgalactic Medium
- Wide-field submm surveys of the nearby and very distant Universe
- Helium Stars, Heavy Metals, High Velocities and Explosions
- Helium Stars, Heavy Metals, High Velocities and Explosions
- Star Formation, GMCs, and Galaxies
- Nano-particles in Proto-Planetary Discs
- Reionization after Planck
- The first quasars in the early universe
- Title to be confirmed
- Spiral arms in galaxies and GMC formation
- The structure of galactic thick disks
- Shaken up: Gaia DR2 and the warped Milky Way disc
- A chemical survey of planets in our galaxy
- A Golden Age of Asteroseismology with Kepler
- How galaxies form stars
- Dynamical Formation of Compact Object Mergers
- Revisiting relaxation in globular clusters
- Violent quenching: fast multiphase gas outflows from post-starburst galaxies
- Understanding Intense Star Formation through Observations and Modelling
- Toward A New Calibration of the Hubble Constant
- Know thy Star, Know thy Prebiotic Chemistry
- Addressing the Missing AGN Problem
- Stellar rejuvenation around massive black holes in the Galactic center and metal-rich quasars, and gravitational wave sources in AGN disks: Analog of planetary systems around massive black holes
- Fast Radio Bursts
- Kepler Planets - retention and loss of their atmospheres
- The details in the DEVILS: Exploring the co-evolution of galaxies and halos over the last 8 billion years
- From Seeds to Monsters: Supermassive Black Holes Over Cosmic Time
- The Galactic Centre: a template for understanding star formation and feedback in a high-pressure environment
- A New Paradigm for Old Galaxies?
- White dwarfs as tracers of cosmic, galactic, stellar & planetary evolution
- Cosmology from the Kilo-Degree Survey
- The birth of giants: quasars and their host galaxies in the reionisation epoch
- The deaths of massive stars
- Spirals, rings, gaps and asymmetries: using disc structure to infer planet formation processes
- Weather on Brown Dwarfs: New Insights from Synoptic Spectrophotometry and Fluid Instability Models
- CMB Lensing: Fundamental Physics from Maps of the Invisible
- Substructure in Andromeda's outer halo: the view from PAndAS
- Blindly Measuring the Hubble Constant
- 99% Invisible: Uncovering the dusty galaxies which lie beneath the confusion noise floor