Emily Chenery
Name: | Emily Chenery |
Affiliation: | University of Cambridge |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Wed Apr 23 08:44:02 +0000 2014 |
Public lists managed by Emily Chenery
Talks given by Emily Chenery
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Emily Chenery
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Emily Chenery actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- RESCHEDULED - The Devil's in the Detail: Designing Instruments, Incentives and Institutions for Stewardship Initiatives on Private Land
- Planetary Boundaries and Action2020: Innovations in corporate Sustainability
- Hybrid corn and endangered maize: historical perspectives on the conservation of plant genetic resources
- The Politics of Thinking Big in Conservation
- Producing Eden: Can wildlife thrive beyond national parks in India?
- Lessons from the conservation of Europe's Large Blue butterflies
- Friend or foe? Making sense of social research and biodiversity conservation
- Resilience of biodiversity and ecosystem services to environmental change
- The (moral) dilemmas of (conservation) research(ers?)
- Commercial Whaling: Science, Society and International Relations
- Conservation of UK seabirds: a big issue or a done deal?
- Valuing nature for better environmental decision-making: A collaborative toolkit for real-world conservation
- Predicting Amazonian deforestation and its biodiversity impacts
- Mainstreaming Natural Capital into Decision-Making: Frontiers in Research and Policy
- Predicting wildlife dynamics in a changing environment
- Lessons from the Dodo: restoring species and ecosystems on Mauritius
- Re-wilding: putting natural processes back on track
- From invasion to restoration: how enlightened are New Zealand's conservation policies?
- Making Poverty History – what role for biodiversity conservation?
- Expert judgements, Delphi groups, prediction markets: forecasting the future for conservation and national security
- Rethinking the scope of REDD+ : Carbon stocks or triple wins?
- Conservation of migratory species: the importance of seasonal interactions
- Conservation and climate change: how radical do we need to be?
- Molecular biology and sustainable agriculture
- Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas
- 'Prosuming' Conservation: interrogating the value of conservation in the web 2.0 age
- The state of the world's birds: how science underpins conservation and advocacy.
- Shifting baselines and habitat restoration: Setting appropriate goals
- Smarter ways to monitor wildlife
- How useful is local ecological knowledge for conservation management? Case studies from the EDGE
- Saving the Tasmanian devil from a transmissible cancer
- Tropical forests in the Anthropocene: what does this mean for conservation?
- How might we make space for nature in landscapes of the future?
- REDD: a good idea, impossible to implement?
- Geodiversity, geoconservation & geomorphological services: Challenges beyond 2012.
- Why Monitoring Matters when designing payment for ecosystem services schemes.
- Getting the measure of biodiversity: birds as indicators of environmental change.
- Wombats, Weapons & Water: the making of international conservation treaties.
- How high should Climate Change taxes be?
- Linking science, policy & practice for wildlife conservation on farmland.
- iTrade Wildlife: detecting rare online behaviour
- Biodiversity offsets and the journey to No Net Loss.
- Getting real about Marine Protected Areas: pragmatism in design and implementation.
- Mapping Africa's natural capital: progress, problems, potential
- The Natural Way to Care: how exposure to natural environments shapes human relationships.
- Counting and Conserving the World's 'Missing' Species
- Conserving India's Forests: participation, forest rights and ecosystem services.
- The Ecosystem Service Paradigm: progress towards a more sustainable future.
- Trade-offs, team work and the challenge of translating conservation science into policy: some lessons and thoughts from the Amazon.