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The magic of human language

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Language is one of the greatest abilities mastered by the human brain. If brain “can speak and understand language”, prior to that, the “molecule of life”, our DNA , must “know language” Recently, the Russian linguists discovered that the genetic code follows the same rules as all our human languages. By looking at the rules of: 1.Syntax, the way in which words are arranged to form sentences and phrases; 2.Semantics, the meaning of language ; 3.The basic rules of grammar. and comparing with the way the molecule of life works , they found out that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and have rules like our languages. Therefore, human languages did not appear accidentally, they are a reflection of our DNA . The benefit is tremendous: Human beings can reprogram their DNA by using language. Now, the questions still subsisting are : 1=How do we change the chemistry of our brain by using language? 2=How do we reprogram our DNA ? The key is to pay attention to the words, as Dr. Richard Bandler, the co-founder of NLP , said. Sadness appears when by purpose or by mistake people minimize the importance of the words, the syntax and semantics of the language as all of these produce feelings. And feelings are everything. From here to there, back to business coaching industry, the most common models of coaching like T-GROW, FUEL , STEPPPA OR SUCCESS , should always begin by addressing feelings: ” How do you know you have a problem?” A model gives to a coach a framework or a structure, it never gives the “how to coach”. The structure might address more logic or emotion, but no matter if we talk about IQ, EQ, AQ, CQ or SQ, we always aim feelings. Words and thoughts produce and change feelings, and feelings change brain’s chemistry,that’s a very simple chain, according to Dr. Bandler. And I agree him! As a coach, you must poses the capacity of using words to change clients’ lives for the best. This is the reason they come to you: they trust your magic powers of using language. They might feel frustrated, collapsed, depressed, trapped, defeated, overwhelmed. They come to you to get in turn happiness, freedom, success, peace and confidence and you might wonder what is the magic spell to use, when all you have are words.

Words as swords can cut and heal, so they require wisdom, clarity and specificity when using them. To get clarity and specificity so as to aim the goal, one of the best NLP tools to use is Meta Model. As the term says “meta” meaning “behind” or “above” something, by using this model, a coach is able to take the client in to the journey of recovering the information gathered in the deep structure of his mind. Now, think about the language like being the symbolic representation of our own experience. Everything we speak out, in a loud voice, is in fact the representation or a the surface structure of a much complex, untainted experience called deep structure . When people build up their map about the world, they use mainly three processes: generalization,deletion and distortion, and in order to see the territory, Meta Model retrieves the deep structure from the surface structure by clarifying the language and restructures the generalizations, deletions and distortions. This is the greatest challenge of a coach: metaphorically speaking, to clear the clients’ skies not by bringing his own paint, but, by rearranging their blue clouds and their yellow Sun like in a chess game.

This talk is part of the Self Leadership&Self Management series.

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