University of Cambridge > > Department of Sociology Seminar Series > Conference: Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Conference: Centenary of the Russian Revolution

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Odette Rogers.

Friday 27 October 2017. Centenary of the Russian Revolution Venue: Queen’s Lecture Theatre, Emmanuel College, Cambridge CB2 3AP

9.45 Arrival and Registration

10.00-11.30 The October Revolution, Russia and the USSR Chairman: Jeff Miley (Cambridge)

David Lane (Cambridge), October Revolution: Overview

John Barber (Cambridge), October Revolution and the Second World War

Martin Myant (European Trade Union Institute, Brussels), October and Marxist Economics

11.30—13.00 Impact on the people

Katy Turton (Belfast), Women in the Russian Revolution and After

Mary Davis (Royal Holloway), Impact on the British Labour Movement

Emily Lygo (Exeter) Impact on Public Opinion

13.00- 13.45 Break

13.45– 15.00 October and its Limits Chairman: David Lane

Jeff Miley (Cambridge), Dictatorship of the Proletariat and National Self-Determination

Dimitri Rossoupolous (Montreal), The Limits of Leninism

15.00- 16.15 October, Empire and Colonialism

Radha D’Souza (University of Westminster), The Impact and Legacy of October in the Indian Sub Continent

Ken Olende (Workers’ Educational Association), The Impact and Legacy of October in Africa

16.15- 17.15 October and World Politics

Andrey Kolganov (Moscow State University) October revolution: Lessons for the Future.

17.30. Drinks Reception

ORGANISERS : Jeff Miley David Lane


This talk is part of the Department of Sociology Seminar Series series.

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