University of Cambridge > > Engineering Biology Interdisciplinary Research Centre > Cafe Synthetique - 'Chloroplast engineering' and 'Biomimetic materials'

Cafe Synthetique - 'Chloroplast engineering' and 'Biomimetic materials'

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Andrew Jonathan Balmer.


Café Synthetique is the monthly meetup for the Cambridge synthetic biology community with informal talks, discussion and pub snacks.

iGEM Cambridge team 2016 are taking part in the prestigious iGEM synthetic biology competition. Focusing on chloroplast engineering, the team are interested in using chloroplasts to produce metabolic products, such as biofuels and edible vaccines.

Michelle L. Oyen is a Reader in the Bioengineering in the Mechanics and Materials Division and the Bioengineering research group in the Cambridge University Engineering Department. Her work involves research on mechanical behavior in biological materials with many of her projects having a distinct biomedical focus.

”InstaCHLAM, a toolbox for chloroplast engineering”

iGEM team 2016, Cambridge, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

”Biomimetic materials for structural applications”

Michelle L. Oyen, Reader, Cambridge University Engineering Dept., The Nanoscience Centre

Please join us in the Panton Arms pub at 6pm.

Image credit: Photo from BASF on Flicker, licensed under cc by-nc-nd/2.0/-Image source

This talk is part of the Engineering Biology Interdisciplinary Research Centre series.

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