University of Cambridge > > Engineering Biology Interdisciplinary Research Centre > Café Synthetique: biomechanics and DNA lego

Café Synthetique: biomechanics and DNA lego

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Café Synthetique is the monthly meetup for the Cambridge synthetic biology community with informal talks, discussion and pub snacks.

We have a diverse pairing of talks for this month as we move from biomechanics to bioengineering and from insects to algae!

Dr ​Walter Federle, Department of Zoology

“Expert climbers: biomechanics of surface attachment in insects”


Dr Francisco J. Navarro, Department of Plant Sciences

“Playing with lego blocks: constructing gene circuits in alga”

Please join us in the Panton Arms on 18th of July, 18:00

This talk is part of the Engineering Biology Interdisciplinary Research Centre series.

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