University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Coulomb branches of 3-dimensional $mathcal N=4$ gauge theories

Coulomb branches of 3-dimensional $mathcal N=4$ gauge theories

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Let $M$ be a quaternionic representation of a compact Lie group $G$. Physicists study the Coulomb branch of the 3-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theory associated with $(G,M)$, which is a hyper-Kaehler manifold, but have no rigorous mathematical definition. When $M$ is of a form $Noplus N^*$, we introduce a variant of the affine Grassmannian Steinberg variety, define convolution product on its equivariant Borel-Moore homology group, and show that it is commutative. We propose that it gives a mathematical definition of the coordinate ring of the Coulomb branch.

If time permits, we will discuss examples arising from quiver gauge theories.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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