University of Cambridge > > gc502's list > 22nd GI CANCER FORUM


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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Gianmarco Contino.

The GI CANCER FORUM is a series of seminars covering basic, translational and clinical topic in gastrointestinal cancers.

The program of the next forum is

17:30 – Coffee/Tea

17:40 – Speaker Session

Prof Michael Solomon Clinical Professor of Surgery and Academic Head, Department of Colorectal Surgery, University of Sydney Laparoscopic Rectal cancer: RCT ’s, determining sphincter preservation and APE techniques  Chair: Mr Justin Davies

Dr Matthew Garnett Group Leader, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute The development of colorectal tumour organoid cultures as a therapeutic biomarker discovery platform  Chair: Prof Ashok Venkitaraman

Dr Ramesh Bulusu Consultant Oncologist, Cambridge University NHS Trust Title TBC Chair: TBC

19:20 – Hot bites and drinks

This talk is part of the gc502's list series.

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