University of Cambridge > > MedSin Cambridge > 'MERS coronavirus and its molecular bag of dirty tricks' - Tue 28th Oct 7.15pm

'MERS coronavirus and its molecular bag of dirty tricks' - Tue 28th Oct 7.15pm

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ella Mi.

First identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012, there have been 853 cases of MERS - Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus – and reports are no longer confined to the Arabian Peninsula. The high fatality rate, poor understanding of viral transmission and the lack of a cure or vaccine has made MERS -CoV an intense subject of recent scientific investigation.

Leading virologist Dr. Ben Neuman from Reading University will be discussing how can we determine outbreak response priorities, treatment strategies, and clinical management approaches in order to improve the global outlook against this emerging viral disease.

Dr. Neuman combines research and a media career, being actively involved in reporting for BBC World News and AlJazeera English to give a scientific perspective on topical issues.

All are welcome – and this is a must come for all second year medics and Part II pathologists!

This talk is part of the MedSin Cambridge series.

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