University of Cambridge > > MRC Epidemiology and CEDAR Seminars > A physical activity and fundamental movement skill intervention for children attending primary schools in low-income communities: The SCORES cluster RCT

A physical activity and fundamental movement skill intervention for children attending primary schools in low-income communities: The SCORES cluster RCT

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Please note afternoon Friday rather than lunch Wednesday

Associate Professor David Lubans is the theme leader for school-based research in the University of Newcastle’s Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition. His research is focused on understanding the determinants of physical activity and the development and evaluation of interventions in school and community settings. David is currently leading a number of research projects designed to evaluate the impact of physical activity interventions on behaviour, fitness, movement skills and social and emotional well-being in young people. He has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and as a chief investigator he has secured over $2 million in competitive research funding. He is the Principal Investigator two Australian Research Council Discovery Projects focused on the promotion of physical activity and healthy eating among adolescents living in low-income communities.

This talk is part of the MRC Epidemiology and CEDAR Seminars series.

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