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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Eric J. Lindblom.

Psychoanalysis, harvard, lindblom, distance

Non-Interpretive Psychoanalysis:

Eric J. Lindblom PhD Project Leader Harvard University

Thesis: There has been a fair amount of discussion about Neutrality in Psychoanalysis. This talk shall treat the subject area from a psychological and philosophical perspective.

General Talk Description:

1.) Theory Learning Goals:

a.) Understanding theoretical perspectives in consciousness,and change including dreamwork and ganzfeld. Also the course shall explore systems thinking and computer modeling.

b.) Understanding and appraisal of scholarly research and writing in general, specific,relative and universal areas of psychology. Res ipsa loquitur!

c.) General Course Question: What is Consciousness?

Support: Talk support is from Harvard University as follows and from course website


Some Definitions:

“Psychoanalysis falls under the head of psychology; not of medical psychology in the old sense, nor the psychology of morbid processes, but simply of psychology.” Sigmund Freud

“One of the more important issues confronting psychoanalysis and psychotherapy seems to involve the clinical and theoretical aspects of so-called noninterpretive interventions.”

Paul C. Holinger, M.D. Copyright © 2006, Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing.

Noninterpretive Interventions in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy A Developmental Perspective,

“THE WORD NEUTRALITY AND THE CONCEPT OF psychoanalytic neutrality have been held very ambivalently since the birth of psychoanalysis.

Hailed at one moment as so fundamental that it is taken for granted, neutrality is in the next moment quietly referred to as a myth.

Freud himself never used the German word Neutralitaet (neutrality) in his technical or theoretical writings.

His term Indifferenz was translated as “neutrality” by Strachey.

I am referring in particular to the oft-quoted admonition in Freud’s (1914) paper on transference love: “… Axel Hoffer, M.D.

Copyright © 2006, Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing.

Toward a Definition of Psychoanalytic Neutrality,


The American Psychological Association: This site contains a lot of information, as well as links to psychological journals and the other divisions of the APA .

The new APA Practice Web portal.

Commercial Services of Interest to Psychoanalysts

Information about PsyBC, a commercial (fee based) continuing education service for mental health professionals with a section on psychoanalysis.

Information about the Psychoanalytic Connection, a commercial (fee-based) bulletin board system for psychoanalysts.

© Division of Psychoanalysis, 1999-2003

Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalysis



Some Links:

Freudian Theory “Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, coming as it did at the turn of the century, provided a radically new approach to the analysis and treatment of “abnormal” adult behavior. Earlier views tended to ignore behavior and look for a physiological explanation of “abnormality”. The novelty of Freud’s approach was in recognizing that neurotic behavior is not random or meaningless but goal-directed. Thus, by looking for the purpose behind so-called “abnormal” behavioral patterns, the analyst was given a method for understanding behavior as meaningful and informative, without denying its physiological aspects.”


The Psychoanalytic: an exploration of another field.

This website is not affiliated with any other person or organization and is NOT affiliated either express or implied with Psychoanalysis, the psychoanalytic or any and all of the disciplines many names and designations the ganzfeld may have.

This website is for non-commercial education and/ or research and is NOT for sale.

Copyright © 2006 Lindblom psychoanalytic. All Rights Reserved.

Institute of Medicine and Advanced Behavioral Technology, Cd. Juarez (Mexico)

This talk is part of the Psychoanalysis series.

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