University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Conditional stability of Calder'on problem for less regular conductivities

Conditional stability of Calder'on problem for less regular conductivities

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Co-authors: Pedro Caro (University of Helsinki), Andoni Garca (University of Jyvskyl)

A recent log-type conditional stability result with H”older norm for the Calder’on problem will be presented, assuming continuously differentiable conductivities with H”older continuous first-order derivatives in a Lipschitz domain of the Euclidean space with dimension greater than or equal to three.

This is a joint work with Pedro Caro from the University of Helsinki and Andoni Garc’ia from the University of Jyv”askyl”a. The idea of decay in average used by B. Haberman and D. Tataru to obtain their uniqueness result for either continuously differentiable conductivities or Lipschitz conductivities such that their logarythm has small gradient in a Lipschitz domain of $mathbb{R}^n$ with $ngeq 3$ is followed.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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