University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Boson sampling in the light of sampling complexity: A review

Boson sampling in the light of sampling complexity: A review

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Boson sampling is a classically computationally hard problem that can – in principle – be efficiently solved with quantum linear optical networks. Recently this has lead to an experimental race to implement such devices. This talk will provide a review on the state of affairs concerning the possibility of certifying boson sampling devices. We discuss in detail several settings: 1. The use of symmetric and non-symmetric algorithms for distinguishing the boson sampling distribution from a particular other distribution. 2. Classical simulation of boson sampling in the presence of errors. 3. The impossibility of an efficient classical certification. We present some new results on estimating first and second moments of photon number distributions.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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