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CCS Research Down Under

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Andy Buckley.

In Australia, a number of small scale capture projects, including the Callide Oxyfuel Project and the Hazelwood are underway or have been completed. The large scale Gorgon Project will commence injection of CO2 in 2015-2016 and storage at the Otway site has been underway for several years. Two additional CCS Flagship projects have feasibility studies in progress – the South West Project in WA and the CarbonNet Project in Victoria, and the Federal Government’s Education Infrastructure Fund is providing a total of $100 million for the NGL and CCSNET initiatives that will enable the development of new CCS research infrastructure.

A recent review for the IEAGHG Program has considered the role of small scale injection projects and has identified the key features and the important success factors amongst the 45 storage projects reviewed from around the world. The CO2CRC Otway Project is currently Australia’s only operational storage projects and one of the largest storage research projects undertaken anywhere to date. The injection of approximately 65,000 tonnes of CO2 into a depleted gas field was followed by a detailed experiment into residual trapping of CO2 in a saline aquifer. These provided many operational lessons and research outcomes that are relevant to large scale injections. The provision of additional new funds for the CCSNET initiative is providing the opportunity for CO2CRC, CSIRO and  Universities to develop plans for new research initiatives at Otway and it is useful to review these in terms of some of the challenges facing the future large scale deployment of CCS.

This talk is part of the Occasional Earth Science Seminars series.

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