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Relocating Human Origins - What if Adam lived in the forest?

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LOCATION : Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge ORGANIZERS : Doctoral Students, Division of Biological Anthropology DATE : July 5, 2013, 9.00 – 17.45

THEME : Conventional scientific wisdom holds that modern humans evolved in the East African savannah. But what if the cradle of human evolution was actually the Central African forest, as hinted by new Y-chromosome results? How might this change our understanding of human evolution? This conference explores the implications of a forest origin for human population genetics, disease ecology, social systems, and cultural evolution.

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS : Prof Mark Thomas, University College London: Genetics of Forest Ancestry Dr Corey Fincher, University of Glasgow: Origins of cultural and biological diversity Dr Tom Currie, University College London: Habitat Productivity & Ethnolinguistic Diversity Dr Peter Walsh, University of Cambridge: Disease, Social Complexity & Innovation

PANEL DISCUSSIONS : Spatialising research on genetic diversity 14.00 – 15.30 with Prof Mark Thomas, Prof Laurent Excoffier, Dr Anders Eriksson

Spatialising research on cultural diversity 16.00 – 17.30 with Dr William Banks, Dr Tom Currie, Dr Corey Fincher

Can’t make it to Cambridge? The entire conference will be webcast.

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This talk is part of the Relocating Human Origins - What if Adam lived in the forest? series.

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