University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Technical limits of penetration of non-synchronous wind and PV generation in an AC interconnection

Technical limits of penetration of non-synchronous wind and PV generation in an AC interconnection

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Wind and PV generation is usually connected to the grid using an asynchronous interface: induction generator in the case of wind and DC/AC converter in the case of PV. As the operation of the power system is based around synchronous operation of synchronous generators used in traditional coal/gas/nuclear/hydro power stations , there is a technical limit of how much asynchronous generation can be connected to an AC interconnection. Recent studies in Ireland indicate that the limit is about 50-75% of the total generation operating at any time. The talk will discuss the physical reasons for the limit and possible means of overcoming it.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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