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Judging the Pacific

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Clare Hall Law Society is pleased to present: Wednesday 9 November, 6-7pm in the Moot Court Room of the Law Faculty Sir Ian Barker QC on “Judging the Pacific”

Sir Ian Barker QC is a retired Senior Judge of the New Zealand High Court with 21 years’ service. He has been an appellate judge in the Cook Islands (where he was President), Fiji, Kiribati, Pitcairn, Samoa and Vanuatu. He is also a domestic and international arbitrator, and former Chancellor of the University of Auckland.

“Judging the Pacific”: Sir Ian will talk about being an appellate judge in some of the Commonwealth island states in the South Pacific for the last 14 years, touching on the various legal systems and constitutional frameworks of these small jurisdictions. He will discuss the sorts of cases that are often encountered there and how an ex-pat judge should deal with the various different nuances-each state being different constitutionally, historically and culturally.

This talk is part of the sjg98's list series.

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