University of Cambridge > > Qualitative Research Forum > 'You give us Rangoli, we give you talk' - eliciting and analysing data from South Asian women about food and health.

'You give us Rangoli, we give you talk' - eliciting and analysing data from South Asian women about food and health.

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jane Fleming.

ALL WELCOME. The Qualitative Research Forum is a closed group that supports qualitative studies linked to the General Practice and Primary Care Research Unit. Its occasional Open Meetings are, however, open to anyone interested in qualitative methods.

Abstract & biography: Sabi Redwood will discuss an approach to doing research with a particular group, South Asian women, whose voice has been largely missing from the health research literature despite their potentially valuable contribution to knowledge about cooking practices and the intersection of faith, culture and food. Although this approach was particularly suitable for this group, Sabi does not advocate the method per se, but sets out the need to adopt creative alternatives to eliciting data which avoid formal methods of recruitment and data collection in order to generate evidence for addressing rapidly expanding health inequalities.

Sabi Redwood is a Research Fellow in Medical Sociology, working across several themes of the Birmingham and Black Country NIHR CLAHRC : Collaborations in Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care. Areas of particular focus in her current work are health inequalities and methodological issues in qualitative research with seldom heard groups.

This talk is part of the Qualitative Research Forum series.

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