'Resilience: aiming for security in an age of risk'
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Dr. Olaf Corry, Research Associate, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Tuesday 25 January 2011, 17:00-18:00
Seminar Room B, 17 Mill Lane.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Elif Cetin.
Please join us for a discussion of Olaf's recent work. Hard copies of the paper will be available from the CIS office in Mill Lane in the week before the Colloquium. Alternatively e-mail Elif Cetin at ec409@cam.ac.uk for a copy.
Security perspectives inspired by risk theories often point to the self‐defeating nature of security policies that generate more insecurity, less freedom or ‘boomerang effects’ as complex systems react unpredictably to efforts to control risky elements. This makes such theories strong antidotes to exaggerated securitizations, but do such theories then dismiss the idea of achievable security altogether? This paper explores whether such theories have a latent positive conception of security and whether the idea of resilience is it.
This talk is part of the POLIS Staff and PhD Student Colloquium series.
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