University of Cambridge > > CrisisCamp Cambridge > CrisisCamp Cambridge in response to Pakistan floods - Meeting on 7th of Aug

CrisisCamp Cambridge in response to Pakistan floods - Meeting on 7th of Aug

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Salma Patel.

Aptivate is hosting a CrisisCamp in Cambridge in their office space at the Humanitarian Centre, Gresham Road, on Tuesday Sep 07 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. This is in emergency response to the flooding in Pakistan.

More info at with details of previous meetings.

CrisisCamp is a bunch of people who get together voluntarily to work on helping people in disaster situations, usually by using technology solutions, e.g. openstreetmap, identifying missing people, making low bandwidth websites, etc. Project managers, facilitators, software and web developers, and social media users seem particularly useful however so is anyone who can run errands and make coffee! Everyone is welcome.

Please register your attendance here:

We look forward to seeing you then.

This talk is part of the CrisisCamp Cambridge series.

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