University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Global Food Security IRC > Lunchtime Conversation: Life and Death of a Patent: The Impact of Branding on Emergency Global Supply Trade

Lunchtime Conversation: Life and Death of a Patent: The Impact of Branding on Emergency Global Supply Trade

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Our speakers will focus on how intellectual property protections relate to procurement contracts for crisis relief by focusing on a specific ready-to-use peanut product, followed by a discussion with the audience.

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Speakers: Dr Tad Brown, Research Associate, Department of History and Philosophy of Science

Tad is a member of the ‘From Collection to Cultivation’ research project at the Dept of HPS . His research engages with the social history of agricultural diversity and he is currently writing a book on the peanut industry. He was previously a member of the Australian Research Council Laureate Project looking at intellectual property and food security.

Dr Jellie Molino, Research By-Fellow, Hughes Hall

Jellie is an international legal expert on sustainable public procurement (SPP) with experience working for international organizations, e.g., UNOPS , UNEP, UNDP , World Bank, IFC , OECD, ITC -ILO and ADB .

She is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Hughes Hall Centre for Climate Change Engagement, with research focusing on private law, procurement, and climate change.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Global Food Security IRC series.

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