University of Cambridge > > Exoplanet Seminars > TOI-2407b: A hot Neptune in the Neptune Desert discovered with the SPIRIT Infrared Detector

TOI-2407b: A hot Neptune in the Neptune Desert discovered with the SPIRIT Infrared Detector

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Dolev Bashi.

The discovery and characterization of exoplanets around ultracool dwarfs require precise ground-based observations across visible and infrared wavelengths. In this talk, I will present the discovery of TOI -2407b, a Neptune-sized planet located in the Neptune desert—a sparsely populated region of parameter space for close-in exoplanets. This detection was made using SPIRIT , a novel infrared CMOS detector designed to enhance sensitivity to cool stars. I will discuss the role of SPIRIT in improving exoplanet transit observations, the development of its data pipeline, and the implications of TOI -2407b for our understanding of planet formation and evolution in the Neptune desert.

This talk is part of the Exoplanet Seminars series.

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